Zoundwéogo: Members of school governments retrained in communication and advocacy techniques | AIB

by time news

2023-11-03 14:54:04

Zoundwéogo: Members of school governments retrained on communication and advocacy techniques

Manga (AIB) – 50 students from primary and post-primary educational establishments in the communes of Guiba and Gogo in the province of Zoundwéogo, members of school governments, took part, from October 31 to November 1, 2023 in Manga, in a capacity building workshop in communication and advocacy techniques.

Members of school governments from primary and post-primary education establishments in the communes of Guiba and Gogo in the province of Zoundwéogo saw their capacities strengthened in communication and advocacy techniques. The initiative for this recycling session which lasted from October 31 to November 1, 2023 is from the Zak La Yilguemdé Association (AZLY).

It is part of the implementation of the program entitled “At school with complete peace of mind” which benefits from the financial and technical support of the Dutch Kinderpostzegels foundation, underlined, at the start of the session, the executive secretary of AZLY , Aimée Yaméogo.

A total of 50 students, including 24 from primary school and 26 from post-primary school, as well as their coordinating teachers, benefited from this training.

During the two days, thematic presentations, sharing of experiences, group work and capitalization workshops constituted the different articulations of the work carried out in “an active and participatory educational approach”, noted the facilitator of the workshop. Emile Ouédraogo.

The exchanges during these activities above all allowed the participants to update themselves on the notions contained in the concepts of advocacy and lobbying. They also allowed them to be better equipped on the approach and content of advocacy, the link between communication and advocacy and the effective conduct of advocacy actions.

The participants, in their interventions, indicated that the development session was useful insofar as it will allow them to be more effective in the field by carrying out their communication and advocacy actions.

For them, the success of said actions will be essential to, on the one hand, strengthen mutual aid and solidarity between students and, on the other hand, obtain the necessary support from educational and administrative officials and community leaders for the resolution. concerns that undermine the academic success of many children such as the insecurity and precariousness of family life, stressful and unstable. This will, in turn, prevent several students from dropping out or failing at school, they added.

The “At school with complete peace of mind” program, in which the training activity is part, intends, by the end of 2024, to contribute to making “children capable of helping each other to maximize their opportunity”, according to the terms of reference. of the activity. It is based, adds the document, on the idea of ​​the existence of close links between the notions of participation, education and empowerment, which must reinforce each other to add a “transformative” character to participation and the child’s resilience.


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