NHSO Offers Free Down Syndrome-Thalassemia Screening for Pregnant Women: Conditions and Details Provided

by time news

2023-11-05 22:15:00
NHSO Invites All Pregnant Women to Receive Free “Down Syndrome-Thalassemia” Screening Services

In a progressive move towards providing comprehensive medical care, the National Health Security Office (NHSO) has announced that all pregnant women in Thailand will now have the right to receive free screening services for “Down Syndrome-Thalassemia.” This genetic disease, characterized by delayed development and intellectual impairment, affects children born with an extra pair of chromosome 21.

Dr. Atthaphon Limpanyalert, Deputy Secretary-General of the NHSO, confirmed the addition of this valuable benefit to the set of quality prenatal care services. The aim is to enable the screening of fetuses who are likely to have Down syndrome and to detect any associated congenital heart disease or thyroid dysfunction that may occur.

To be eligible for the free Down syndrome screening, pregnant women must be covered under the National Health Insurance Fund or possess the 30 baht Gold Card, granting them all treatment rights. This benefit is an addition to the fetal health check, disease screening, mental health assessment, basic vaccinations, and the provision of essential supplements like iron, folic acid, and iodine.

The NHSO has been offering the Down syndrome screening service since 2016, initially limited to women aged 35 and above. However, in 2021, the coverage was expanded to include pregnant women of all age groups, ensuring that no one is left behind in receiving proper healthcare.

In addition to the Down syndrome screening, the 30 baht Gold Card system also provides benefits for screening and confirming anemia, specifically the Thalassemia disease, in pregnant women. This condition, which affects the fetus as well, can now be identified and addressed early on.

To exercise their rights and avail themselves of the Down syndrome screening service, pregnant women can simply show their ID card. Those with a Gold Patent are advised to visit the designated service units according to their rights or contact any service unit in the NHSO system. Alternatively, individuals with other rights, such as social security, civil servants, local government organizations, and government agencies, can receive the service at a government service unit near their home, such as the Public Health Service Center, Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital, or Government Hospital.

In case of any doubts or for more information, the NHSO hotline (1330) is available 24 hours a day, with the option to press 0 for assistance.

The expansion of free screening services for “Down Syndrome-Thalassemia” is a significant step towards ensuring the well-being and health of pregnant women in Thailand. By providing accessible and comprehensive medical care, the NHSO is working towards a healthier future for the nation.]
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