The social and solidarity economy awaiting a political milestone

by time news

2023-11-06 07:18:04

Its social utility? There La Mine resource center“house of commons” dedicated to reuse in several towns in Val-de-Marne (Arcueil, Gentilly, Cachan, etc.), sees this every day. “We receive job requests daily, because we offer a suitable framework for integration around ecological and solidarity values,” specifies its founder, Régis Pio.

Employing around forty people on fixed-term employment contracts, this manager never feels ” calm “ in terms of financing, ” random “ et “too dependent on political orientations” of the state, department or municipalities. His third place would need “multi-year agreements” and register in a “territorial center of economic cooperation around supporting residents towards the ecological transition”.

Cooperations with the classical economy

These territorial poles, established by the law on the social and solidarity economy (ESS) of July 31, 2014, consist of getting different actors (associations, companies, universities, etc.) to cooperate to find solutions to a local problem (aging well, developing cycling, recycling construction materials, etc.). Fifteen selected centers now benefit from public funding of €100,000 over two years.

The Ministry of SMEs, Commerce, Crafts and Tourism, which has included the ESS in its portfolio, describes these structures as “powerful centers of action” on the territory. There ” roadmap “ presented Monday, November 6 by their minister, who wishes to increase the number of bridges between the ESS and the rest of the economy, should encourage their development.

This “work track” was drafted on September 11 by Olivia Grégoire, invited to the ESS France back-to-school conference, which brings together the major families (cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations, solidarity-based social utility companies). “Spearheading towards a more sustainable economy (…)the ESS mustbe everywhere”, she insisted, citing the example of recycling centers that could be opened in commercial areas.

A model of transformation but…

These intentions resonate with the concerns of the ESS authorities, concerned with “show transformative power” of their model which can become “the standard of tomorrow’s economy”.

In view of recent scandals in private nursing homes and nurseries, the collective organizations of the ESS are managing to “articulate the general interest with economic efficiency” in the areas of healthy aging and early childhood, said Jérôme Saddier, president of ESS France, in an interview with The cross. They could therefore also, according to him, respond to the “new issues” of the time, such as “the provision of care throughout the territory” or the “food social security”.

Social economy: “huge potential” to be exploited in Europe

The development of the ESS nevertheless faces cultural, structural and regulatory obstacles in a predominantly market economy. This year again, the 16th ESS Month will highlight its contributions in terms of social utility, democratic governance or value sharing, now recognized at the European and international levels.

… obstacles and difficulties

They also expect measures from the government that take their specificities into account. Even successful cooperatives like Les Licoornes (Enercoop, Biocoop, Mobicoop, etc.) still face financing difficulties from traditional banks. For their part, associations and social enterprises are in dire straits, faced with inflation, labor shortages (100,000 jobs to fill), declines in resources and subsidized contracts. The first cry of warning was launched at the end of August by the Restos du coeur. “It’s cracking everywhere!” “, alerted the Federation of Solidarity Actors, during the day of action on October 24.

Behind the appeal of Restos du coeur, food aid is running out of steam

The “financial disengagement of social communities and the State in social policies has led to great difficulties for companies operating from early childhood to old age”, adds the Union of ESS Employers (Udes). Its president Hugues Vidor demands “an emergency plan for the social economy”, estimating the budget needed over two years at 4 billion euros.

The ESS being “a necessary partner for people far from employment”, he recalls, the public authorities will not be able to “achieve full employment objectives only if they invest in social policies”.


A month “to transform the world”

“Commit to transform the world” is the theme of this 16th edition of the ESS Month, an event hosted in each region by the regional chambers of the social and solidarity economy (Cress) and coordinated at the national level by ESS France.

Among the highlights: Solidarity Finance Week (November 13 to 20), Waste Reduction Week (November 18 to 26) or the 8th edition of the Different Economy Days in Dijon (24 and 25).

On this occasion, the ESS price will reward “remarkable initiatives anchored in the territories”.

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