What does total amnesty consist of? Data that could be included in the agreement between PSOE and Junts

by time news

2023-11-06 11:57:21

The approval of an amnesty law is an unbreakable line for Carles Puigdemont if the PSOE wants to obtain the support of Junts for the investiture. A fundamental condition for Junts.

Last week, negotiations between both political parties cooled down due to disagreements over the scope of the amnesty and its wording, starting with the statement of reasons. Which broke the plans for the Socialist Party, which had planned to register the amnesty law last Friday, but it was not possible.

However, the meetings have continued over the weekend and the agreement between Junts and PSOE for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez seems to be getting closer. What’s more, Sumar’s former deputy and negotiator with the Catalan independence parties, Jaume Asens, has indicated that the pact will be closed “in the next few hours, at most tomorrow.”

Also the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, sees a close agreement possible: “We are closer to achieving the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, it is the mandate that came from the polls on July 23 and the formula to achieve it has been ratified by the vast majority of our bases.

Members of Junts, Laura Borràs, Jordi Turull and Albert Batet, traveled to Brussels this Monday to meet again with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont with the aim of advancing negotiations with the PSOE.

A stuck amnesty… to get a total amnesty?

Apparently, one of the obstacles is that the amnesty also included the name of Laura Borràs, convicted of awarding contracts ‘by hand’. However, the former spokesperson for En Comú Podem in Congress, Jaume Asens, assured this Friday that Junts has agreed to exclude the former president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Laura Borrás, from the agreement on the amnesty law.

“We already excluded it in our proposal and we also know that it is excluded in the latest proposal that the PSOE has made,” he stated on TVE and when asked if Junts has accepted it, he responded: “as far as I know, yes.” “.

From Sumar they recognized that the figure of the international rapporteur that Junts demands to verify compliance with the agreements on the amnesty law is one of the issues that is complicating the negotiations in these last hours. He explains that names of people who could benefit from an amnesty have not been put on the table either and he denied that Junts has demanded that this measure of grace affect Laura Borrás.

“If there is an agreement it is because there are concessions,” Jacobo de Regoyos tells ‘Espejo Público’. “I think that the clearest concessions are going to be in the field of amnesty. Puigdemont wants a very broad amnesty to be included with some defendants who are not related to 1-O. Normally a large part of the concessions will be there “, Add.

There are three key names that, apparently, Carles Puigdemont would like to include in the amnesty: Miquel Buch, former Minister of the Interior convicted of appointing a Mosso d’Esquadra to act as Puigdemont’s escort in Belgium. José Lluís Alay, head of Puigdemont’s office in Waterloo, investigated for diversion of capital to finance the October 1 consultation and for possible links with Russia – case closed – and Laura Borràs, although in this case it seems that Puigdemont would have ceded so as not to include her among those amnestied.

But there could be another issue to be outlined in the agreement: what for the political leader who fled to Brussels is the ‘dejudicialization’ of Catalan politics.

“In February 2020, I moderated an event in the European Parliament on ‘Lawfare, judicialization of politics’. If you are interested in knowing what it is, scandalous cases were exposed that affected South American political leaders, among others. The strategic use of laws to harm dissidents or political rivals does not seek to do justice but to achieve, by means unacceptable in democracy, political effects through the judicial power,” he wrote this Sunday on his ‘X’ account (formerly Twitter).

ERC has already reached an agreement with the PSOE. It includes the amnesty for the CDR and ‘tsunami democracy’. The ‘total’ amnesty that would be negotiated would be as follows, waiting for the official agreement and for all the details agreed upon by PSOE and Junts to be known. 1,432 amnestied, of which 113 are already sentenced, 17 are awaiting sentencing and 387 have an open criminal case, according to ‘Òmnium cultural’.

#total #amnesty #consist #Data #included #agreement #PSOE #Junts

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