General Assembly of the FEG: The government faces the expectations of employers

by time news

2023-11-02 08:48:48

DIG/ Created on October 10, 2022, the Gabon Business Federation held its 2nd ordinary general meeting on Tuesday October 31, 2023 at the Radisson Blu hotel.

Chaired by Henri-Claude Oyima, this meeting which brought together the elite of FEG member companies was marked by the presence of the Head of Government of the Transition, Raymond Ndong Sima and several members of his team.

An opportunity for the Prime Minister to discuss directly with the private sector on the ambitions of the transitional authorities regarding the revival of the national economy.

In particular the strategies put in place and which will necessarily require the assistance of the FEG, whose companies alone generate nearly 80% of the national GDP.

It was therefore a question for Raymond Ndong Sima to present his roadmap and to reassure employers on a certain number of subjects.

In this case, bilateral relations with donors, the government’s investment policy, development projects, domestic debt and even taxation.

This, taking into account the exceptional context in which Gabon has found itself since August 30.

“The Gabon Business Federation is working to build a strong economy despite the uncertainties linked to economic crises. The Transitional Government intends to work with the FEG for a real partnership, a catalyst for growth and a creator of jobs” underlined the Prime Minister. Before specifying:

“We are taking stock of the situation to find out what room for maneuver everyone has. It is fundamental to know what we have mobilized at the donor level to finance investment and development. The government and employers must operate in a spirit of partnership.”


And in the current context, according to the Head of Government, everything must be done to convince international institutions of Gabon’s good faith.

This is why Raymond Ndong Sima made an appointment with the FEG, “before December 31, 2023, to provide answers to their questions related to the settlement of the internal debt, among others”.

While remaining united with the economic vision of the transitional government, the FEG nevertheless recalled the 13 major points which constitute the expectations of all of its members. Which, believes Henri-Claude Oyima, constitute the priority areas that must guarantee a real economic recovery.

These include the settlement of the internal debt through the establishment of a Libreville Club; the restoration of the Accounting Day at the Treasury; the obligation to domicile all revenues from export products in Gabonese banks; strengthening the financial fabric through the creation of a Gabonese investment bank (BGI), responsible for raising funds to finance structuring projects; a stable and fair tax system adapted to economic recovery. But also the promotion and protection of national champions in all sectors of production.

“We are with each other, not against each other.

There are opportunities, but how to do it? The FEG brings together the largest Gabonese companies, which contribute to 80% of GDP, and create 90% of jobs in the formal private sector. It is an essential tool for the development of the national economy”wanted to remind Henri-Claude Oyima.

#General #Assembly #FEG #government #faces #expectations #employers

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