The nightmare of Spain, a country without sleep

by time news

2023-11-06 15:56:56

Updated Monday, November 6, 2023 – 14:56

Not sleeping well can have serious consequences on mental and physical health. In Spain, almost half of the adult population does not have quality sleep

Francisco Rey and Margarita Carrasco.MAURICIO SKRYCKYEmotional well-being Mental health: “There are no bad emotions, they are all good because they give information” Health These are the risks of little and bad sleep

Sleeping well is key to healthy body function. The lack of restful sleep can have devastating effects on mental and physical health of human beings and, according to the Spanish Society of Neurology, Spaniards are not resting adequately. Almost half of the adult population in Spain and 1 in 4 children do not have quality sleep.

These alarming data direct us towards the concept “sleep hygiene”, something that may seem strange to many, but that for Margarita Carrasco, health psychologist at Sanitas, is the key to being able to rest well. Carrasco and Francisco Rey, director of business development at BBVA Seguros, talked about the practices necessary to have healthy sleep in the Sleep well debate organized by BBVA, Sanitas, EL MUNDO and Expansin. The meeting was moderated by Daniel Apariciodirector of the health area of ​​Unidad Editorial.

For Carrasco, it is evident what is robbing almost 12 million Spaniards of their sleep: “The use of mobile devices in the hours close to sleep, not following routines and not having a climate and order in the room“. Carrasco has highlighted the importance of always getting up and going to bed at the same time, “regardless of how long we have slept” in order to regularize sleep rhythms. He has also valued an organized and orderly space to be able to achieve that restorative sleep. that we all need. On the other hand, it is not advisable to sleep during the day, although take short naps and never more than twenty or thirty minutes.

As a fundamental piece of good sleep hygiene, psychology has emphasized a adequate nutritionas well as a good physical activity. In the case of using mobile devices, Carrasco assures that it is necessary to lower their light intensity, or change to night mode, an hour and a half before going to bed, since Blue light from the screen inhibits the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone. In addition, experts do not recommend watching social networks before sleeping, as well as news or stimuli that activate the brain.

The importance of preventing a sleep disorder is fundamental, since, as Carrasco pointed out, “only the 10% of people with a sleep disorder are diagnosedthe good news is that “most can be prevented or treated.”. Thus, from an insurance point of view, it is important to go to the doctor to prevent any disorder. “It is important to invest in prevention because it will have an impact on our general well-being,” said Rey.

Some of these disorders may be sleep insomnia, nighttime awakenings, or waking up too early. In the first two cases, Carrasco recommends that, if after 20 minutes you cannot fall asleep, you should leave the room and do some quiet activity to induce relaxation. On the other hand, in the case of waking up early, it is important to follow appropriate guidelines for good sleep hygiene, as well as having a dark room and, above all, not looking at the time.

But what happens when you still can’t sleep well? Although the answer is totally subjective, experts recommend Put yourself in the hands of specialists when you feel tired and drowsy during the day due to a constant lack of rest..

Now, Thanks to technology it is possible to monitor sleep, stress and vital signs, both through applications and through the tools that private health insurance has. “Technology helps us customize products that meet customer needs,” Rey said.

#nightmare #Spain #country #sleep

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