Coalition Urges Removal of MK Iman Khativ-Yasin from Office for Controversial Comments on Hamas Massacre

by time news

Title: Coalition Calls for Removal of MK Iman Khativ-Yasin over Controversial Statement on Hamas Massacre

Date: [Date]

In a bold move, the coalition is spearheading efforts to gather support for the removal of Member of Knesset (MK), Iman Khativ-Yasin from Ra’am. The coalition aims to collect signatures from 70 members of the Knesset who are calling for MK Yasin’s impeachment. This action comes in response to her contentious remarks regarding the recent Hamas massacre.

Earlier today, it was revealed that MK Iman Khativ-Yasin had made inflammatory comments suggesting that “babies were not slaughtered and women were not raped” during the October 7th Hamas attack. The shocking statement has drawn widespread condemnation.

Following her controversial remarks, Mansur Abbas, the chairman of her party, nearly dismissed Khativ-Yasin. Hours later, the MK issued an apology for her words.

Leading this coalition effort are Knesset members Hanoch Milbitsky and Asher Shekel from the Likud party. Their argument for impeachment is based on section 7a (3) of the basic law: the Knesset, which pertains to “supporting an armed struggle, of an enemy state or of a terrorist organization, against the State of Israel.”

In a letter submitted to the Speaker of the Knesset, Amir Ohana, Milbitsky and Shekel underscored the gravity of Khativ-Yasin’s words, stating that they should not be accepted within the political and public discourse. The letter emphasized that allowing MK Yasin to continue serving in the Israeli Parliament while fellow citizens are suffering on the front lines and families have lost loved ones would be unacceptable.

The letter also argues that MK Iman Khativ Yasin’s remarks align with and express support for the armed struggle conducted by a terrorist organization against Israel, particularly in light of the recent Hamas attack. The coalition references a film presented to members of the Knesset that showcases evidence and findings related to the massacre.

The process for removing a member of the Knesset involves several steps. First, the coalition aims to secure the signatures of 70 Knesset members, including ten from the opposition, in support of the impeachment. Following this, a judicial hearing will be held in the Knesset committee, allowing the accused MK or their representative to present their arguments. The legal advisors to the Knesset and the government will also be involved, alongside Knesset members.

To proceed with the impeachment, a 3/4 majority vote from the committee is required. Only those who have participated in all the discussions can cast a vote. Ultimately, the plenum, consisting of 90 Knesset members, will make the final decision through a vote. A minimum of 90 members must vote in favor of impeachment. In the event the impeachment is enacted, it will undergo judicial review.

In response to the uproar caused by her controversial statement, MK Iman Khativ-Yasin issued an apology a few hours after the interview was published. She expressed regret, acknowledged her mistake, and clarified that she had no intention of downplaying or denying the tragic events of the Hamas attack.

Khativ-Yasin emphasized her condemnation of the heinous acts perpetrated against both Arab and Jewish citizens during the horrifying incident on October 7th. She also reiterated her support for her fellow citizens who are directly affected by these events.

As the coalition pursues MK Iman Khativ-Yasin’s removal from office, the Israeli political landscape is witnessing intense debates over freedom of speech, accountability, and the consequences of elected officials’ statements. Public and political discourse surrounding this issue is expected to continue as the impeachment process unfolds.

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