Denial of justice at the CJR: Perronne and Azalbert file a complaint against its seven magistrates

by time news

2023-11-06 19:11:56

REPORTAGE – Professor Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert filed a complaint on October 6, 2023 against the Minister of Health for comments made on France Inter at the microphone of Léa Salamé on October 3. Indeed, on the occasion of the launch of the vaccination campaign, the Minister of Health declared to the journalist: “THE vaccines against Covid are effective” and that there was “no side effects”. The minister did not stay with one dose of complaint, two additional doses were filed by collectives or associations for identical reasons.

By a letter dated October 16, 2023, received on Monday October 30, 2023, the Court of Justice of the Republic informed the parties to “classify the complaint without further action” because it “does not contain elements likely to characterize a crime or misdemeanor committed by the minister in the exercise of its functions”.

This decision is astonishing both in form and substance.

On the merits, Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert had put forward flawless factual arguments which the minister cannot ignore. Please note that:

The ANSM (National Medicines Safety Agency) had identified more than 200,000 side effects of Covid vaccination, 25% of which were serious; ONIAM (National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents) has already compensated more than 70 victims of the side effects of covid vaccination (statement in the Senate by the director of ONIAM after a question from Senator Muller-Bronn); The OPECST (Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices), during the investigation into the side effects, recognized the latter and pharmacist Amine Umlil recalled the rules that apply to such pharmaceutical products; Throughout the world and particularly in the United Kingdom, the effectiveness of vaccines is strongly questioned and side effects are proven; Azalbert and Perronne, administrators of the Bon Sens association, made a voluntary intervention in the request of Laurent Toubiana who wanted to obtain the figures of deaths from all causes by vaccination status and age group, which the Ministry of Health refused to provide, claiming a service disruption.

In terms of form, the CJR did not provide the report mentioned in the decision. Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert and Perronne had requested this report. No response to date.

However, the CJR’s decision does not include any motivation. And this is the main problem, a court decision must be motivated in order to avoid arbitrariness (this is provided for by both the Civil Code and the Penal Code). Motivation allows the parties to understand the decision. In the present case, the CJR’s legal decision is therefore incomprehensible, thus constituting a denial of justice. Furthermore, the decision rendered does not include any avenue of appeal.

Refusing to deliver justice and persevering in denial after warning or injunction from one’s superiors is punishable by a fine of 7,500 euros and a ban on the exercise of public functions for a period of five to twenty years.

In the meantime, the Minister of Health did it again twice after his statement to France Inter, once by confirming it with a tweet, then on November 3 through a communication from the Ministry of Health saying that vaccines were safe .

Faced with what appears to be a recurrence by the Minister of Health on such an important subject, Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert presented themselves on Friday, November 3 at the police station on rue Fabert in the 7th arrondissement to file a complaint against the seven magistrates having rendered the decision of the CJR (the composition of the CJR was renewed on October 18, Editor’s note): President Nicole Planchon, Monique Saliou (Court of Auditors), Claude Bellenger (Court of Cassation), Edmond Honorat (Council of State), Vincent Feller (Court of Auditors), Alain Ménéménis (Council of State) and Vincent Turbeaux (Court of Cassation).

Find the declaration of Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert as they left the police station, where they were very well received by an officer who confirmed to them that the police officers, even if they had not had any obligation, had indeed is the subject of a “ strong incentive» to get vaccinated.

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