Gaslighting: subtle and unpretentious psychological abuse – Articles

by time news

2023-11-06 19:38:00

There are several forms of psychological abuse that a human being can suffer. However, we have a type of abuse that is very characteristic because it is, in a way, “invisible”, which does not leave physical marks, and is therefore difficult to analyze and penalize.

This is Gaslighting, a type of abuse in which the victim is almost never aware of being abused. Or at least, not how the term is generally understood, since there is no clear aggression. But yes, aggression exists, it happens a lot and it comes disguised as actions that can camouflage the perversity of the process itself.

The best definition would be a subtle manipulation, in which the abuser weakens the self-esteem, self-love and confidence of the victim (it can be a man or a woman), causing her to become increasingly submissive, dependent and, if canceling out to the point that she is unable to understand these perverse acts and putting her own emotions and fears into doubt.

A devastating practice whose dynamics shows that in the victim’s mind, the abuse is not happening, and she ends up thinking that she is really to blame. In most situations, she no longer has a voice, as her views are belittled, and she even closes herself off in such a way that she becomes increasingly nullified.

The difficulty in identifying or reporting this type of psychological abuse lies precisely in the fact that the victim is almost never aware of being abused and one of the characteristics of this process is that the aggressor uses perverse strategies to make the victim have doubts about the facts and believe that everything is just invention, paranoia or hysteria in your head.

It makes her think she is always wrong and exaggerating her propositions. And in the midst of this confusion of feelings, she often closes herself off or remains silent, believing that she is really wrong and that the abuser is right. And, in order to repair her “failures”, she may end up handing over to him her ability to discern the facts and her life in general.

Insults, verbal aggression, clear belittling, belittling are also ingredients that can be found in this Gaslighting network.

And this is where problems and possible psychological disorders begin. Because it is difficult to prove, since there is hardly any explicit violence, this aggressor hides behind a fearful victim, without energy, without a voice, confused in his words and attitudes, with destroyed self-esteem and who is led to think that the cause everything goes through her.

One of the main characteristics of this psychological abuse is the alteration of the victim’s perception of reality, which nullifies their conscience and creates the denial that they live in an abusive atmosphere.

This violence is continuous. The subtlety of the case combined with a cycle of repetition generates doubts in the victim that lead them to feel guilty and responsible for what they are suffering. To the point of thinking that the aggressor acts this way because she provokes him in some way. Everything becomes very confusing in their eyes and their understanding and whoever suffers from this violence firmly believes that they are crazy. It is confusing whether you are in the role of victim or abuser.

Finally, at the slightest sign of psychological aggression, you should seek professional help to strengthen yourself as a human being, without fear of exposure. Thus rescuing their credibility, autonomy, freedom of expression and increased self-esteem. Bringing harmony to your life routine along with greater strength and mental awareness, abandoning the role of oppression suffered through the perversion camouflaged in the acts carried out by your aggressor.

#Gaslighting #subtle #unpretentious #psychological #abuse #Articles

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