These are all the CPGs that you should study

by time news

2023-11-07 02:00:50

11 months left until National Exam for Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2024 and the main doubt is about what should be study. This is one of the most complex tests that exist in our country and for which great preparation is required.

The simplest thing is to mention that this exam is a summary of everything seen during the seven years of duration of the Bachelor of Medicine. Although in reality there are some topics that are the basis and are the ones you should focus on. In addition, there are some documents that are the key and you should never lose sight of them.

What should you study for ENARM 2024?

Before moving forward it is necessary to remember that the ENARM It is made up of 280 items in multiple-choice clinical case format. While its structure is based on four core specialties.

Internal Medicine. Pediatrics. Gynecology-Obstetrics. General Surgery.

But now the most important thing is to determine the documents you must study for him ENARM 2024. Although you can pay for any of the studies that are available, in the end there are some documents that the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources in Health (CIFRHS) to write the clinical cases of the test.

In this case we refer to the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) and therefore they are a good way of preparation. While the most important thing is that they are all free to consult.

What are Clinical Practice Guidelines?

Before moving forward it is necessary to know its definition. They are documents that issue recommendations based on a conscious, judicious and explicit analysis of national and international scientific evidence, as well as the experience of health personnel specialized in the matter and, in some cases, the values ​​and preferences of patients. The purpose is to make health interventions available to users that are effective and safe.

Broadly speaking, they offer clear definitions of the main diseases and contain advice regarding how they should be approached. Their importance even lies in the fact that they are the best defense that can be used against possible lawsuits for Medical negligence.

How many CPGs should be studied for ENARM 2024?

As we mentioned above, all documents are free and can be consulted on the internet. But the biggest problem is that there are too many of them and therefore it is a large amount of information that you must acquire.

They are all made by National Center of Technological Excellence in Health (CENETEC) and at this moment there are a total of 832 guides although they are periodically updated and new ones published.

Many of the candidates who have taken the exam agree that a good way to prepare is to make a written summary of the CPGs. Having said all the above, you can consult the master catalog at the following link.

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#CPGs #study

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