Globet squat: show off an ‘hourglass’ silhouette (small waist and big buttocks)

by time news

2023-11-07 00:04:29

The goblet squat It is one of the best to show off some heart attack glutes. If you also want to increase your muscle mass effectively, apply yourself to one of the simplest exercises to achieve ‘hourglass’ silhouette, that is, a small waist and large buttocks.

Photo: iStock

Las squats They continue to be the queens of exercise when it comes to bulking up, defining and toning one of the sexiest areas of the body. Although the squat has multiple variations, the goblet squat It is one of the ones that most enhances the work on both the glutes and the legs during training.

What is the goblet squat?

The goblet squat or goblet squatas it is also known, is an exercise in strength training which consists of performing a squat holding a kettlebell or dumbbell with the hands, which acts as a counterweight to descend deeply into the squat, according to a article published by Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.

On the other hand, by adding weight to the goblet squat with a kettlebell, It is possible to increase the intensity of the exercise if you are looking to develop strength and endurance in both the legs and the core. Besides, the goblet squat It challenges your coordination and balance, as it requires your core to work harder to keep the weight in place while you perform the movement.

Photo: iStock

What do you work on in the goblet squat?

The goblet squat It is one of the best variants to exercise the lower body by working various muscle groups in the body, for example, it activates the muscles of the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus to strengthen them. When descending into the squatthe glutes extend and work to lift the body back to the starting position, developing stronger, more toned glutes.

On the other hand, the goblet squat It also works the quadriceps, responsible for extending the knees during the squat to show off stronger, toned and fuller legs. In addition to focusing on these muscle groups, it also focuses on the following:

Hamstrings: activated by stabilizing and balancing the movement during the squat. Core muscles (rectus abdominis, obliques, transversus abdominis): holding the kettlebell in front of the body requires strong activation of the core to maintain good posture, helping to strengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back. Erector spinae (lumbar muscles): These muscles are activated to maintain good posture during the squat and prevent injury. Calf muscles: although they are not the main muscle worked in a goblet squat, The calf muscles activate to provide stability and support during movement.

Photo: iStock

How do you do the goblet squat?

If you want your effort to be reflected in a fiery silhouette, then do not hesitate to include the goblet squat in your exercise routine. This is how you should do it to develop muscle mass. Forget about tricks or ‘padded panties’.

Starting position: To start the goblet squat, you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing outward. Hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest, with your arms extended and elbows bent. Lowering: Start the movement by bending your hips and knees simultaneously while keeping your back straight and your chest lifted. The dumbbell should remain close to your chest throughout the movement. Depth: Continue descending until your thighs are parallel to the floor or even a little lower if you have the flexibility and strength to do so. Make sure your knees do not move forward beyond your feet and that your heels remain in contact with the ground. Ascent: Once you have reached the desired depth, begin to rise back to the starting position, pushing hard. through your heels and keeping the weight close to your chest throughout the ascent.Repetitions: Perform at least four sets of 15 to 20 repetitions, but avoid any swinging or leaning forward to avoid developing injuries.

Photo: iStock

Now that you know how to perform the goblet squat and what muscles it works, do not hesitate to include it in your lower body exercise routine. You will love the results!

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If you are interested in knowing What is the exercise that is equivalent to a thousand sit-ups, stay to watch the next video.

#Globet #squat #show #hourglass #silhouette #small #waist #big #buttocks

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