Protect Your Child’s Health: Tips and Insurance Coverage for 4 Common Diseases from Thanachart Insurance

by time news

2023-11-07 07:25:00
Thanachart Insurance Advises Parents to Watch Out for 4 Common Diseases in Children During the School Term

Health 7 Nov. ’23 12:25

Thanachart Insurance is urging parents to be vigilant about their children’s health during the school term, as there is an increased risk of them getting sick with common diseases such as dengue fever, influenza, hand-foot-mouth disease, and respiratory infections.

To help parents manage the financial risk if their child falls ill, Thanachart Insurance offers “Happy PA for Child Personal Accident Insurance,” which provides hybrid coverage for accidents and health. This insurance product covers medical expenses for outpatient and inpatient treatment at over 400 hospitals nationwide, without requiring parents to pay upfront. It aims to provide comprehensive care for young children at school age and alleviate the burden and worries of parents when their loved ones are sick.

According to Mr. Kongsak Hansawaengsin, Chief Insurance Product Officer at Thanachart Insurance, the number of young children suffering from common diseases has been steadily increasing during the past rainy season. This has led many parents to worry about their children returning to school, where they may come into close contact with others and be exposed to contagious diseases. To address these concerns, Thanachart Insurance’s “Personal Accident Insurance Product Happy PA for Child” covers medical expenses for four common diseases in children: dengue fever, influenza, hand-foot-mouth disease, and RSV respiratory infections. This hybrid insurance product covers both hospital stays and outpatient treatments and allows coverage for up to two people despite being purchased for only one person.

The “Accident Insurance Product for Children Happy PA for Child” not only provides accident coverage for parents or guardians but also extends coverage to children or dependents aged 1-20 years. It helps take care of medical expenses from accidents and covers expenses for the four common diseases. Additionally, parents can avoid paying upfront for medical treatments at more than 400 hospitals in the network nationwide. The premiums for this insurance product are affordable compared to general health insurance for children and can be paid in installments of up to 10 months with participating credit cards.

To purchase or inquire about additional product information, interested parties can visit the Thanachart Insurance website, contact staff at 0-2666-8899, or visit TMB Thanachart (ttb) branches, agents, and brokers.

Thanachart Insurance also provides important information about the four common diseases that parents should monitor during the school term:

1. Dengue Fever: Caused by the dengue virus carried by Aedes mosquitoes. Symptoms include high fever, headache, eye pain, muscle and bone pain, rash, and possible bleeding. Prevention involves protecting children from mosquito bites and regularly eliminating breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes.

2. Influenza: Caused by a virus found in mucus, saliva, and sputum. It spreads through coughing or sneezing. Symptoms include high fever, severe muscle aches, fatigue, and clear mucus. Annual influenza vaccinations, avoiding contact with sick people, regular handwashing, and wearing masks can help prevent its spread.

3. Respiratory Infections (RSV): The most common disease in children during the school term, RSV is a virus that causes respiratory diseases. It is transmitted through saliva, mucus, or touching objects that have the virus. Symptoms include fever, severe coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and lethargy. Frequent handwashing, avoiding contact with strangers, and maintaining cleanliness and good ventilation at home can help prevent RSV.

4. Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease: Caused by viruses in the Enterovirus group, it is most commonly found in young children under 10 years old. Symptoms include blisters, rashes, or inflamed wounds on the palms, soles of feet, and inside the mouth, along with a high fever, cough, sore throat, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Preventive measures include teaching children to wash their hands regularly, maintaining cleanliness, and avoiding contact with sick individuals.

Overall, Thanachart Insurance aims to provide parents with peace of mind by offering comprehensive coverage for accidents and common diseases in children, allowing them to focus on their child’s well-being during the school term.

Source: Thanachart Insurance]
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