‘Put psoriasis out of action’, the protagonists of the social campaign in Milan

by time news

2023-11-07 11:23:30

Talk about the not only clinical aspects of the pathology and take stock of the results of the ‘Put psoriasis out of play’ campaign, with particular attention to the interactions with the dedicated website (mettilapsoriasifuorigioco.it) and with social activities. This is the objective of the event open to the public organized yesterday in Milan by Ucb Pharma, starting from the project born last March 2nd with the aim of raising awareness of the symptoms and causes of psoriasis, promoting understanding and support for people affected by this pathology, fight the associated stigma and encourage dialogue with the doctor and specialists. Also present at the Milan meeting were Claudio Marchisio (@marchisiocla8), former footballer, patient, testimonial of the campaign; Ida Galati (@lastanzadellamoda), fashion teller, who spoke about how to live psoriasis ‘with style’, and Elpidio Cecere (@psicologo.elpidiocecere), with whom the themes of acceptance, awareness and patients’ self-esteem.

In just over 7 months – a note reports – the site has registered over 35 thousand unique users and around 72 thousand page views, while also as regards social media the numbers are very respectable, with 76 posts published, over 6 million views, 84,029 interactions that generated 86 conversations. To involve the audience, each participant, upon arrival, was given a ticket with a code with which they could be raffled off to go on stage and try to answer a question about psoriasis. Easy test for those who have followed the campaign’s social profiles over the months.

“A few days ago, on 29 October, World Psoriasis Day took place – recalls Valeria Corazza, president of Apioafco – designed to raise public awareness of an autoimmune disease which affects around 2 million people in Italy. This year the Our association has chosen the theme ‘Psoriasis. Let’s talk about it, let’s talk to each other. I’m fine, and you?’, to underline, once again, the importance of sharing among people who suffer from psoriasis. Apiafco has also created an awareness campaign which was inspired by a survey which highlighted how relationships between patients, created thanks to the mediation of the association, are a factor capable of improving the quality of life and lightening the psychological burden deriving from the pathology. on October 29th, Palazzo Pirelli was illuminated with the colors of Apiafco, in what was a testimony of closeness to patients with psoriasis on the part of the Lombardy Regional Council”.

“As a psychologist – observes Cecere – I deal with emotions and strategies for making better choices. The emotions that can emerge when one has physical discomfort can be different and, among these, sadness and anger. In these cases it may be useful to discuss with a psychologist, for the skin we are afraid to show, for the discomfort we feel on the affected areas, for the judgment we fear receiving from strangers. Sadness does not go away by stopping being sad”, but by “listening to it. We ask our sadness, what its purpose is, why it has presented itself to us and what it wants to do for us. Anger must be observed and channeled. We must remember that emotions do not define who we are, nor can a pathology; it is our choices that influence our our identity”.

Clothing is also part of these choices, not only for a question of image, but also of well-being. Clothes are in close contact with the skin. So even the choice of fabric can make a difference. “Before dedicating myself to fashion journalism – says Galati – I was a psychotherapist. Over the last 10 years I have managed to merge these passions and aptitudes in an almost magical way. It often happens that the community asks me for help with how to dress to feel good. There is technical information on fabrics to avoid for many different reasons that can be merged with lighter information, to add a touch of glamor and panache to every day.”

“I suffer from psoriasis – says Marchisio – and, for this reason, I understand the discomfort that this disease causes in those affected. This is why I am proud to be the testimonial of the campaign ‘Put psoriasis out of action’. Understanding the difficulties of those who suffer of psoriasis is essential to help those affected not to feel alone.”

“Web solutions applied to communication in the healthcare sector – declares Federico Chinni, CEO of Ucb Italia – have significantly favored the dissemination of information and knowledge, improving patient awareness and facilitating the doctor-patient relationship. A pathology such as psoriasis involves heavy emotional distress for the patient. Ucb has always been attentive to the needs of patients; for this reason, in addition to proposing increasingly innovative and effective therapeutic solutions, it shows particular attention to aspects that revolve around the pathology and which are equally important for the well-being of the person, including psychological balance. The ‘Put psoriasis out of play’ project is therefore part of a multidisciplinary field, aimed at creating a 360-degree support path for the patient.” The event – concludes the note – will be repeated in Rome on December 11th, at 6pm at the Ara Pacis Auditorium.

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