Calenda, Pertini’s grandfather advisor and visits to the Quirinale: the story of Maria Latella’s new ‘dinner talk’ on SkyTg24

by time news

He leaves tomorrow “Dinner at Maria Latella’s”, the first dinner talk from Sky TG24 which brings the debate around a set table. The journalist is the landlady Maria Latella, which serves its guests, along with the dinner, many points for discussion. The program will be broadcast on the news channel for six episodes starting January 20, every Thursday at 9pm (e on demand his

The inevitable theme of the first episode is the Quirinale and the election of the next President of the Republic. The dinner guests are Carlo Calenda, leader of Action, the writer and former magistrate Giancarlo De Cataldo, the journalist and company manager, as well as the son of the former President of the Republic Giancarlo Leone e Roberta Pinotti, president of the Defense Commission of the Senate and exponent of the Democratic Party.

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