Protecting Israeli Citizens from Missile Attacks: Sheltering Options and Safety Measures

by time news

Title: Israeli Citizens at Risk Due to Lack of Shelter in Old Buildings

Many Israeli citizens are living in old buildings without proper protected space and are exposed to missile attacks. With no mandatory shielding regulations in Israel until 1974, some houses today remain without any shielding, leaving residents vulnerable to attacks.

According to Major General (ret.) Yair Golan, former commander of the Home Front Command, many older homes have stairwells as the most protected space. He recounted an incident in Ashkelon where three girls sought refuge in a stairwell during a missile attack and emerged unharmed even though their apartment was destroyed.

Golan emphasized that while a stairwell is not as effective as a purpose-built protected space (MMAD), it is still the best solution in many shared houses without other means of protection.

For private houses without protective measures, Golan advised residents to wait in a space without windows and chinaware, but to avoid the bathroom where the porcelain can disintegrate and become fatal shards.

Outside the home, Golan recommended seeking shelter in a secure space during an alarm. If there is no such protective measure available, lying on the ground with closed legs and hands on the head can greatly improve the chances of survival. When driving a car during an alarm, it is crucial to stop the car and get as far away as possible, as a car can be a potential danger in itself during a missile attack.

Overall, Golan reassured the public by stating that following the instructions of the Home Front Command significantly reduces the risk of harm to civilians.

The lack of mandatory shielding regulations in older Israeli buildings highlights the need for improved protection for citizens living in these vulnerable structures. With the ongoing conflict in the region, it is crucial for authorities to address this issue and ensure the safety of all residents, especially those living in older buildings without proper protective spaces.

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