The wait for surgery in private healthcare decreases

by time news

2023-11-08 09:28:49

The average waiting time for surgery in private healthcare has been reduced and stands at 27.3 days compared to 30.5 in 2019, the last year in which data is available due to the pandemic. The average wait in the emergency room also decreases, although it increases in the first outpatient consultations.

These are data on the waiting times included in the RESA 2023 Report on health outcome indicators in private healthcare. It was prepared by the Institute for the Development and Integration of Health Foundation (IDIS), four years after its last edition.

He has done it with the 2022 data from more than 500 centers, of which 130 are hospitals. Besides, 120 are outpatient centers; y 311, centers assisted reproduction.

The report was presented within the framework of the conference “The power of health results”. Compare the 2022 data with that of 2019, and not with that of the previous year as was the case before the pandemic, precisely due to the pandemic.

Waiting times in private healthcare

According to the figures, patients have to wait an average of 7.7 minutes to be treated in emergency triage of private healthcare centers (for 9.3 minutes in 2019). And 19.4 minutes until they are assisteda time very similar to that of the previous report, which was 19.5.

Regarding the average time for the first appointment in outpatient clinics -those analyzed were the specialties of ophthalmology, gynecology, traumatology and dermatology- rises from 12.2 to 15.9 days.

The increase is due, as stated by the general director of the IDIS Foundation, Marta Villanueva, to the specialty of dermatology, which has increased the number of days by approximately 50%.

The general director of the IDIS Foundation, Marta Villanueva, at the report presentation event. PHOTO EFESALUD/BPC

Villanueva stressed that, after the pandemic, the number of insured people has increased – about 1.8 million more people. But the complexity of the pathologies is also greater, as is the frequency of hospital visits.

and the wait indicator surgical stocking In private healthcare, the report has evaluated the average waiting time between the pre-anesthetic consultation and the date of surgery. However, only those programmed have been taken into account.

The report indicates an average of 27.3 days of waiting, a time slightly less than in 2019, which was 30.5 days.

Hospitalizations and radiodiagnostic tests

Regarding waiting for the appointment in radiodiagnostic tests in mammograms is 9.8 days (10.9 in 2019). En MRIs is 7.7 days waiting time (8.2 in 2019) and for a CT scan it is four days (6.2 in 2019).

The average hospital stay is 2.9 days (3.57 in 2019), while the preoperative rate was 0.3, similar to the previous year.

The surgery rate without admission is 44.9%, while in 2019 it was 55.45%.

Data from various clinical processes

But the report also incorporates indicators in different clinical processes. Specifically, in cases of hip fracture, myocardial infarction or cancer, among others.

As to hip fracture, patients remain hospitalized an average of 7.9 days. Only 5.2% have a stay of more than 20 days. Furthermore, they are operated on in less than 48 hours after admission.

The average hospital stay for heart attack patients is 5.2 days and in-hospital mortality of 5.2%.

Regarding the oncological clinical processes analyzed in the RESA report, the data show that the average stay for breast cancer patients it is 1.6 days. Those of lung tumors 6.4; y 3.1 in prostate, with a readmission rate of 2.2%; 17.6% and 4.9%, respectively.

Results of the report presented during the event. PHOTO EFESALUD/BPC

Recognitions for excellence and quality

During the day, the IDIS Foundation delivered 13 new “QH” Recognitions for Excellence in Quality. There are already 170 public and private assistance organizations that have it, of which 71 are for renewal and 11 for category improvement.

These recognitions seek to encourage both public and private healthcare centers to seek the best possible health and health outcomes in terms of access, efficiency, quality and safety, healthcare resolution, and patient experience.

“In short, in providing full satisfaction to their needs and shortcomings,” he said. the general secretary of the IDIS Foundation, Ángel de Benito.

He has also intervened, among others, electronically,to general director of Public Health, Quality and Innovation of the Ministry of Health, Pilar Aparicio.

Aparicio explained that the implementation of these recognitions is important to seek quality in healthcare.

Likewise, he considered that reports, like the one presented at the conference, are “fundamental.” And they are not only to be able to evaluate the processes but also to integrate the culture of assessment and see how the results can be improved.

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