Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms and Natural Sources of Vitamin D in Food

by time news

2023-11-08 09:02:00
Vitamin D deficiency can have serious consequences, from bone softening to even death. Study results show that a healthy vitamin D balance can significantly reduce the death rate from cancer. Vitamin D is crucial for bone metabolism and strengthens the skeleton. It also has an impact on muscles and supports the immune system.

The German Society for Nutrition recommends 10 micrograms per day for infants and 20 micrograms per day for everyone else during the colder half of the year when the body does not produce its own vitamin D. This can be achieved through a combination of foods rich in vitamin D and, if necessary, supplements. However, an overdose of vitamin D can also be harmful, so it is important to discuss supplementation with a doctor.

Natural sources of vitamin D include fish and seafood, eggs, mushrooms, dairy products, cod liver oil, and even dark chocolate, but these sources may not provide enough to meet the recommended daily intake.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, depression, hair loss, muscle weakness, and other symptoms. To avoid deficiency, it is important to ensure that the body gets enough vitamin D through both diet and sunlight exposure. It’s important to note that overdosing on vitamin D is possible and can have harmful effects on the body, so it’s important to monitor intake and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.]
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