from sugar to physical activity, the 10 most popular

by time news

2023-11-08 16:52:05

“But with all that sugar you’ll get diabetes.” Who hasn’t heard it at least once thinking of a kernel of truth? It is instead one of the most widespread false myths about the disease with which almost 5 million people in Italy live, while one million do not know they have it and around 4 million are at high risk of developing it. In view of World Diabetes Day, which is celebrated on November 14, an awareness campaign, promoted by Theras, dismantles the 10 main fake news, populating some of the main Italian cities with ‘correct’ phrases.

“It is essential to dismantle the falsehoods surrounding diabetes and promote a deeper understanding to reduce stigma and improve the quality of life of patients – underlines Riccardo Candido, president of the Association of Diabetes Doctors (AMD) – by offering access to information accurate. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects many aspects of life and ‘fake news’ can shape perceptions and induce wrong behaviors – he warns – which can also have serious consequences for health. By correcting them we can promote greater awareness and better understanding diabetes, providing the tools necessary to make informed choices for one’s health”.

The 10 fake news about diabetes

Eating sugar causes diabetes: false. “Diabetes is not caused by an excess of sugars, but by an absolute lack of insulin in the case of type 1 diabetes, and by a reduced production of insulin associated with reduced insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes – explains Candido – This hormone normally ensures that the blood sugar level is always the same, regardless of the amount of sweets ingested. Excessive consumption of animal fats (saturated) and to a lesser extent excess simple sugars (sweets) can contribute to ‘weight gain which in turn induces insulin resistance and the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is transmitted only through inheritance: false. “In both of the most frequent forms of diabetes, a genetic predisposition to develop the disease is inherited. Genetic predisposition alone is not sufficient to get diabetes. Of course, family history matters, but having a father or grandmother with diabetes does not mean that we will certainly get sick – clarifies the AMD president – just as not having any sick person in the family cannot give us the certainty of avoiding the onset of this disease, unless we observe a healthy lifestyle, in the case of type 2 diabetes “.

People with diabetes cannot consume carbohydrates: false. “People with diabetes must limit simple sugars (sweets) to avoid overweight or obesity, as do people without diabetes, because for them these are the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes. must necessarily give up sweets, if consumed on special occasions and following the right precautions, for example by skipping the first course you can use them. However, it is essential that the person with diabetes consumes complex carbohydrates which should represent around 45-60% of total daily calories. It is better to prefer starches rich in fibre, such as wholemeal bread and pasta or legumes”.

Only older people can develop diabetes: false. “Type 1 diabetes develops more frequently in young people (0-18 years), but can occur at any age. Type 2 diabetes is age-related and its prevalence increases with age. which in the past was called ‘elderly diabetes’. In reality, with the significant increase in overweight and obesity in young people, particularly in adolescents – highlights Candido – type 2 diabetes is starting to appear at increasingly older ages earlier”.

Insulin is only used for those with severe diabetes: false. “Insulin represents the indispensable treatment for type 1 diabetes from the beginning. In type 2 diabetes, other non-insulin therapies are used so that the administration of insulin is postponed as much as possible in this form of diabetes. However, there can be there are different moments in the history of a person with type 2 diabetes in which insulin is useful such as when faced with a metabolic decompensation, during a hospital stay, in the presence of an acute illness or during surgery. Relying on diabetes centers to find out if and when to start treatment with insulin is the safest advice.”

Those with diabetes cannot eat fruit, with the exception of green apples: false. “Fruit should also be consumed regularly by people with diabetes. Two portions of fruit a day are recommended, if possible between meals. We must finally dispel the ‘false myth’ according to which those with diabetes should only eat green apples – states Candido – Those with diabetes can eat all types of fruit by varying the portions depending on the type and its sugar content. It is only recommended to limit the consumption of some varieties such as bananas, figs, grapes, persimmons and chestnuts which, given the same in weight have a higher sugar content”.

People with type 1 diabetes can do without insulin: false. “Insulin is absolutely necessary for those who can no longer produce this hormone, as is the case with people with type 1 diabetes. Suspension of insulin administration in patients with type 1 diabetes can lead to coma and death. This false myth is also linked to the widespread need to believe in all-natural therapies. It is very dangerous – he warns – because the desire to free oneself from insulin injections is always strong in diabetes patients. Unfortunately, however, it represents an illusion with high risk of mortality”.

Having gestational diabetes means having it forever: false. “Gestational diabetes is an increase in blood sugar that occurs in the second or third trimester of pregnancy in women at risk and which has a causal mechanism similar to that of type 2 diabetes being linked to insulin resistance. This form of diabetes resolves with childbirth, but women who have had gestational diabetes remain at very high risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the years if they do not follow a balanced diet, do not carry out physical activity and do not keep their body weight under control”.

Those with diabetes must always be on a diet: false. “Those who suffer from this disease must not eat ‘special foods’, but must follow a balanced diet – he specifies – as all people should do to stay healthy. A balanced diet means reducing simple sugars to a minimum (sweets and sugary drinks), preferring complex carbohydrates (starches rich in fibre, such as wholemeal bread and pasta, cereals and legumes). A diet low in animal fats and rich in fruit and vegetables”.

Those with type 1 diabetes cannot play sports: false. “Physical activity is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Even in type 1 it is strongly recommended not only as a tool for improving glycemic trends, but also for socializing and improving the quality of life. The person with diabetes type 1 must only be educated and trained in the management of insulin therapy and carbohydrates during physical activity – comments Candido – to avoid hypoglycemia”.

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