The camp of good is leading us to disaster!

by time news

2023-11-08 17:19:14

TRIBUNE / OPINION – As one, they opposed the Russian proposal for a ceasefire and the sending of humanitarian aid, the pretext for refusal being that Russia has not condemned Hamas.

“We, the camp of good, know, of course, who to condemn.”

This extremely dangerous, irresponsible vote corresponds entirely to the level of our leaders whose ignorance and carelessness are no secret.

(Let us think of Bruno Le Maire and his prophetic vision of bringing Russia to its knees. This brave man has just, it seems, realized that the USA was not nice and made us pay a high price for shale gas Golden…)

We must realize that we are the prey of a veritable band of “broken arms” who do not seem to suspect that they are blowing on the embers and opening the door to a general conflagration. But these “courageous” people are not afraid of nuclear war. They are not afraid of anything because they have absolutely no control over the perilous issues of the current situation! “Innocents” with their hands full… of grenades!

What is not more reassuring is that the leaders of the European Union are of the same mind. Worse, perhaps, if we think of Germany, even more subservient to the United States than we are, committing suicide for the sake of Uncle Sam!

Europe has become a protectorate of the USA: it is under control without having any benefit: it is not knowing the United States well to believe in their protection! It’s Uncle Sam we should protect ourselves from!

“We, the camp of good, know who to support.”

In Ukraine, we support a bankrupt country, plagued by corruption, which tolerates no opposition and which honors the Nazi ideology of the followers of Stepan Bandera (this is especially true of Galicia and Volynia: the entire Ukrainian people is not won over by this ideology but it has weight because Zelensky is surrounded by neo-Nazis… billionaires or not).

We, the camp of good, let us maintain at great cost (that is true to say), the war against Russia, the only tangible result of which is the progressive annihilation of Ukraine.

Our authorized media (written press and television) are the mouthpieces of shameful propaganda: they broadcast untruth after untruth which prevents us from understanding the issues at stake in this conflict and pushes us a little deeper into the war.

They have an enormous responsibility for the continuation of the conflict. If they did their job, they could, for example, take into account the Ukrainian press which, according to Jacques Baud (former colonel of the Swiss army, specialist in terrorism and intelligence, author of several books on these subjects) is less uniform as ours (she has no problem!).

They could thus benefit greatly from the statements of Zelensky’s former advisor, Oleksiy Arestovych, who unvarnishedly revealed the agreement between the Ukrainian president and the USA; agreement which led to the outbreak of war. Basically, the USA held out to Zelensky an easy, quick victory over Russia, which a few well-intentioned sanctions should render harmless, and allow Vladimir Putin to be overthrown.

If what Arestovytch reports is true, the USA does not seem better informed than Bruno Le Maire about Russia’s situation… Or, as is likely, the aim of the Americans was to cut Russia off from Germany at all costs. : the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines proves this quite well.

We the camp of good, done It isstandard, we vetoed the nIt ispeace negotiations at the end of March 2022 between Russia andUkraine, which It iswere very advancedIt isare and which would have put an end has this fratricidal war at the enda month !”

The United Kingdom (especially united with the USA…) beats us in servility and irresponsibility! Boris Johnson still seems to be moving in the dangerous imagination of a John le Carré novel and like most imbeciles, he confuses Vladimir Putin with Stalin!

We, the camp of good, we love war, especially when it is others who serve as cannon fodder.

It is therefore logical that today we support, always as one man behind Uncle Sam, Israel whose ideology leaves just as much to be desired as that of Ukraine.

“We, the camp of good, know where terrorism is located: it would be the sole prerogative of Hamas.”

The Middle East, since October 7, has once again become a major powder keg, which is now impossible to ignore.

On this ground, the good camp presents much less uniformity. We can note that the “authorized” press is a little less unanimous than on the war in Ukraine.

The division of opinion in France and internationally, the extreme overheating of minds calls for caution and to carefully verify the information that is presented to us (too often) as proven facts.

Let’s not add fuel to the fire like Emmanuel Macron is doing with his completely incongruous new foreign policy initiative. In the current context, proposing the creation of an international interposition force to fight Hamas is tantamount to triggering an open war between Israel and the Arab countries and perhaps a world war. We can think that the President of the Republic made this proposal precisely because it could not be accepted. What pushes our head of state to discredit France, on all occasions, in the face of international opinion remains a mystery.

All we can hope for is that Hamas’s attack on Israel, which is “not arrived on empty» (dixit António Guterres, Secretary General of the UN) obliges the international community to find Finally a lasting peace solution that harms neither the Palestinian people nor the Israeli people. The interests of the people are very rarely those of their government!

(to be continued)

With a literary background, Chantal Allier is a psychologist of the Lacanian psychoanalytic school.

#camp #good #leading #disaster

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