Berlin opera houses and orchestras call “against anti-Semitism and hatred”

by time news

2023-11-08 20:29:12

It is an unprecedented action: On the eve of November 9th, the 85th anniversary of the November pogroms in Germany, the major Berlin orchestras and the three opera houses in Berlin are releasing a joint call against anti-Semitism and hatred and for peaceful coexistence. Some of it is on their websites or social media. They call on all Berliners to stand against anti-Semitism and hatred. Even in turbulent times, controversies must be resolved non-violently and with tolerance, the call says. “This basis of our social cohesion is currently under threat.”

The text describes Hamas’ attack on Israel a month ago as terror, the brutality of which is shocking and cannot be justified in any way. “As a result, we are experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East, which is leading to countless civilian casualties. Our condolences and our remembrance go out to all of you, both on the Israeli and Palestinian sides. The effects of this terrible situation extend to Germany and Berlin in particular.”

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The opera houses and orchestras point to Berlin’s appeal: “As the capital of Germany and home to renowned opera houses and orchestras, Berlin is a worldwide symbol of openness, freedom and tolerance. It is completely unacceptable that Jews in our city are threatened and that the extermination of Israel is propagated at demonstrations. ‘Never again’ – this is something that needs to be remembered with all urgency now. We must combat anti-Semitism in Berlin and Germany with all our determination; we all share responsibility for the safety of our Jewish fellow citizens. Anti-Semitism, like racism and any other form of exclusion, must have no place in our society. Even in the current tense situation, we must not allow ourselves to be guided by hatred and agitation. We can all make a contribution to this.”

The artistic director Andrea Zietzschmann and the chief conductor Kirill Petrenko signed for the Berlin Philharmonic Foundation, and Anselm Rose, sole managing director of the Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin with her ensembles Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, Rundfunkchor, signed for the Rundfunk-Orchester und Chore gGmbH Berlin and RIAS Kammerchor Berlin, and their chief conductors and artistic directors Robin Ticciati, Vladimir Jurowski, Gijs Leenaars and Justin Doyle, for the Konzerthaus Berlin the artistic director Sebastian Nordmann and the chief conductor Joana Mallwitz, for the Staatsoper Unter den Linden artistic director Matthias Schulz, for the Deutsche Oper Berlin the artistic director Dietmar Schwarz and the general music director Sir Donald Runnicles and for the Komische Oper Berlin co-directors Susanne Moser and Philip Bröking as well as the general music director James Gaffigan.

#Berlin #opera #houses #orchestras #call #antiSemitism #hatred

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