Ministry of Health Warning: Atrocities of Hamas Terrorists Documentary may Harm Viewers – Official Statement

by time news

Israel Ministry of Health Issues Warning Against Viewing Film Depicting Hamas Atrocities

The Ministry of Health in Israel has issued a warning against viewing a film that describes the atrocities of Hamas terrorists. The concern arose over various publications on the internet that have attributed the position of the Ministry of Health to a letter issued by the National Council for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The letter, dated October 7, states that the film must be used “only for its purpose, and in a very limited way.” Additionally, the Ministry of Health emphasized that watching the film may harm the viewer and that if it is leaked or used for wide viewing, it will be harmful to the memory of the victims, as well as to many people in Israeli society and the surrounding area.

The Ministry of Health also emphasized that official publications should be relied upon and advised the public to stay updated through the ministry’s WhatsApp channel or on the Ministry of Health’s Telegram.

The warning comes as tensions in the region continue to escalate, with the Palestinian report of a killing by IDF fire near Hebron and an aircraft attack in Jenin. The Civil Information Headquarters has also called for the dismissal of photographers who participated in documenting the massacre.

In the midst of these events, the foreign ministers of the G7 countries have condemned Hamas and called for the release of abductees, while a report has emerged about journalists in the service of Hamas-ISIS causing shock in the media world.

The Ministry of Health’s warning serves as a reminder of the sensitive nature of the conflict in the region and the impact of media content on the mental well-being of individuals. It also highlights the ongoing concerns about the dissemination of information and the potential harm that may result from it.

As tensions remain high, it is important for individuals to stay informed through official channels and to be mindful of the potential impact of the content they consume.

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