Pas-de-Calais: new red alert for floods, rain and floods

by time news

2023-11-09 07:29:23

It was expected. The Pas-de-Calais department passes once again on red alert (level 4 out of 4) due to floods, rain and floods. After a brief lull, precipitation resumes in the region. Faced with the situation, schools in 74 municipalities will be closed Thursday and Friday.

The North, Seine-Maritime and Charente-Maritime are on orange alert for flooding.

Météo France had already raised the alert to this level at the start of the week, Monday and Tuesday. The Aa and the Liane thus experienced flood levels described as “exceptional”.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, warned that red vigilance would once again be triggered. Visiting Saint-Étienne-au-Mont, a town particularly affected by the floods, he noted that, “unfortunately, this episode is not completely behind us. “. He added that “the weather forecasts lead us to believe that certain sectors will have to be put back on red alert given the risk of flooding”.

Since October, depressions and storms have been occurring in the region. The equivalent of six months of precipitation fell in just one month. The soils become waterlogged and can no longer absorb additional precipitation. The water then flows immediately, causing severe flooding.

V “60 cm of water in the house”: Pas-de-Calais on red alert facing an “exceptional” flood

The forecast is not good

Additionally, the short- and medium-term forecasts are not particularly good for the region. Unless the situation turns around, which is always possible with the weather, the coming week is expected to be copiously wet. Then, even if the forecast is less reliable, the trend that emerges thanks to the average of different weather models is a second part of the month of November which would be rainier than average.

These forecasts apply to the Hauts-de-France region, but also to the entire country in general, with the exception of the Mediterranean area. Caution should therefore be required in regions other than the north of the country, several areas having already received significant quantities of water in recent weeks.

#PasdeCalais #red #alert #floods #rain #floods

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