by time news

2023-11-09 11:55:57

Maria Bueno

In the recent exhibition “Other Liturgies” by Susi Blas, the curator talks about the work of the artist Felipe Ortega Regalado: «Ortega Regalado’s artistic practice invites us to blur our own identity and dilute ourselves in the totality. His training to put his hand at the service of intuition manages to access porous grounds of connection with our hidden body. He exercises a kind of performative drawing where the fragile and the subtle are placed in the foreground. Humor and sensuality converge in all the pieces of an artist who understands creation extended to other fields of knowledge: spirituality, psychology… healing.

Ortega Regalado himself comments: «I, the first spectator of the work that emerges from this body-mind organism. Me, believing that I grab the pencil voluntarily, when I sincerely feel that it is life itself that grabs me. I, one more instrument, like a bird that excretes the seed there, right there, and the tree that does not fly knows it and uses it. The bird’s wings are also from the tree. There are ways of flying that the Self does not understand, that is why it weighs so much. Me, aware of this mysterious concatenation where everything is at the service of Something Greater. Me, being a decoder filter of a diffuse stellar message and constantly expanding like the firmament. “I, Sun and Moon and black hole.”

Felipe and I took the opportunity to talk, while we drank a bitter coffee, and this little interview emerged.

Maria Bueno. Give us a brief overview of who you are and what you do. How did you get into art and the stars?

Felipe Ortega Regalado. Saying who you are seems dangerous to me, similar to signing a slavery contract in front of an image. I don’t have the feeling that I have arrived at art yet. I come to the stars out of pure fascination with the mystery that life entails. And because as a teenager I used to go to gatherings in an esoteric bookstore.

Maria Bueno. You are a creator committed to personal growth and art, so by activating both you make the result impact the beings that inhabit the planet. Can you explain this to us?

Felipe Ortega Regalado. I believe that artistic practice, but also the simple look at the image, allows the brain to enter complex dimensions of liberating understandings. At least that’s how it happens with me. When I confront or create an image, something in me shakes out the knots. I feel that art encourages a reflective gaze and that this makes us more aware of the complexity of existence.

Maria Bueno. Do you understand that your own practice linked to art establishes a connection with who you are? If so, do you think art is transformative?

Felipe Ortega Regalado. I cannot create art that is not in connection with who I am. Art is inexorably transformative; Another thing is that the gaze is aligned with that drive.

District flower2023

Maria Bueno. Referents…

Felipe Ortega Regalado.

-A movie: Paterson the Jim Jamusch

-A book: Letters to a young poet by Rainer. Mr. Rilke.

-A song: Song of the simple thingsand Mercedes Sosa.

-A meal: fried eggs with French fries and good bread.

-An inspiring landscape: a sunset in the Barruecos, in Malpartida de Cáceres.

District flower2023

Maria Bueno. What clichés, idealizations and stereotypes do you think we fall into when we advocate for diversity and inclusion that, deep down, does not materialize?

Felipe Ortega Regalado. I believe that human beings need distance and time to be able to reach conclusions. Now, I’m afraid, it’s time to live it without drawing too many conclusions. I am of the opinion that everything that exists has its meaning of being, regardless of whether we understand it.

Maria Bueno. Can you tell us anything about your upcoming projects?

Felipe Ortega Reglado. I don’t have anything in sight and I like it that way.

For more information:


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