Minister of Justice Flavio Dino speaks out against Israel’s Mossad statement on Hezbollah Brazil ties

by time news

Brazil’s Justice Minister angered by Mossad’s public declaration

Brazil’s Justice Minister, Flavio Dino, has expressed outrage over a recent statement by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. The agency publicly thanked Brazil’s police for their assistance in foiling a planned Hezbollah attack on Brazilian soil.

According to a report by Reuters, Mossad’s declaration, which linked the alleged Hezbollah activity to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, drew a sharp response from Justice Minister Flavio Dino. In a statement posted on social media, Dino affirmed Brazil’s sovereignty and criticized the notion of foreign forces attempting to direct Brazilian police actions.

Dino did not explicitly deny the details provided by Mossad but instead focused on the timing and tone of the statement. He stressed that Brazil’s investigation had “nothing to do with international conflicts” and rejected the use of the situation for the benefit of any foreign power.

The dispute with Mossad comes against a backdrop of growing unease among Brazilian officials regarding Israel’s conduct following the recent Gaza war. The Brazilian government has raised concerns over the slow release of around 30 Brazilians who remain trapped in Gaza. Furthermore, Brazilian diplomats have been critical of Israel’s handling of the situation, warning that diplomatic relations could become unsustainable if any harm comes to the trapped citizens.

Tensions have also been fueled by a controversial visit to Brazil’s Congress by Israel’s ambassador, Daniel Zonshine, who was seen in pictures alongside former President Jair Bolsonaro and other right-wing politicians. The timing of the meeting and the political implications surrounding it has added to the growing rift between the two nations.

Brazilian officials have been particularly irate at comments made by Zonshine, insinuating that Brazil may have helped Hezbollah in some way. Andrei Rodrigues, the chief of Brazil’s Federal Police, described Zonshine’s remarks as “disrespectful” and rejected them completely.

The diplomatic discord between Brazil and Israel is symptomatic of wider dissatisfaction among Latin American countries towards Israeli conduct in the region. Brazil, along with other countries like Bolivia, Colombia, and Chile, have taken a tougher stance against Israel following the Gaza war, with some even severing diplomatic ties.

The Iranian government and Hezbollah have not yet responded to Mossad’s declaration.

Reporting by Gabriel Stargardter; Additional reporting by Maytaal Angel and Jonathan Saul; Editing by Andrew Heavens, Brad Haynes, and David Gregorio

Original source: Reuters

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