Paquita from the neighborhood hospitalized. What are your health problems?

by time news

2023-11-10 01:23:37

This November 9, Francisca Viveros Barradas, better known as Paquita la del Barrio, was hospitalized in the state of Veracruz.

The singer is serious and unconscious, national and local media highlight.

Until now, the exact reason why she was urgently hospitalized is unknown.

Given this unfortunate situation, we will tell you the health problems it presents. Paquita of the neighborhood to this day.

Paquita from the neighborhood hospitalized. Diseases

As they point out some media, In February, Paquita la del Barrio was hospitalized for sciatica problems, due to this she suspended her concert at the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office.

Those same days, he had an MRI to detect what was afflicting him, and it was no surprise that they found that he suffers from diabetes and kidney problems.

Due to this, Paquita la del Barrio had retired from the stage after her presentation at the Horse Fair, however, she returned for the Tlaxcala fair.

Chilling figures on World Diabetes Day 2023

According to communication+Content, it is estimated that there are 382 million people with diabetes in the world and this is expected to increase to 700 million by 2045.

In Mexico at least 13 million live with this disease, and it is also the most common cause of kidney damage.

Explanation and figures about kidney damage due to diabetes

Doctor Juan Manuel Ardavín Ituarte, a specialist in kidney health, explained that due to the large amount of “sugar” or glucose in the blood, the kidney filters become damaged and over the years they stop being efficient in filtering waste.

The general director of Médica Santa Carmen – kidney health network in Mexico – commented that damage to the kidneys due to diabetes is defined as diabetic nephropathy, in view of which, he called to go to the doctor to channel patients in a timely manner and avoid complications.

A cold fact that the specialist highlights is that at least 200 thousand Mexicans require kidney replacement services either through hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or transplant, the latter being the therapy that gives the best results, but by far the least available.

Ardavío Ituarte recommended that, to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease due to diabetes, control must be maintained with regular measurement of blood sugar levels.

Dr. Ardavín recalled that the kidneys are vital organs and when their function is less than 15 percent it is necessary to replace them to survive and maintain a good quality of life.

“Chronic kidney disease is among the top 10 causes of death in our country, that is, 1 in 10 people has some degree of kidney damage.”

5 symptoms that alert you to diabetes

Increased urge to urinate (polyuria): When blood glucose is very high, the kidneys try to eliminate excess glucose through urine, which accelerates its production, especially when sugar levels exceed 180 mg/dl. Increased thirst: The human body is made up mainly of water. When you try to eliminate excess glucose through urine, you are not only eliminating glucose and other minerals, you are losing water! that the body wants to recover and is manifested through thirst. Too much hunger: The body’s cells need glucose to be able to work and in turn, glucose needs insulin to be able to enter those cells. When Diabetes occurs, glucose cannot enter the cells and then the brain sends the sensation of hunger to the brain in order to obtain glucose through food. However, it is not that the body does not have glucose, in fact there is, but there is not enough insulin or it is no longer working properly to get the glucose into the cells. Tiredness: Because the cells cannot obtain their energy source (glucose), tiredness occurs, which can range from headache to muscle weakness, lack of concentration, among others. Involuntary weight loss: Because glucose is the main source of energy for the body, but as there is not enough insulin for glucose to enter the cells, the body begins to use fat and this causes involuntary weight loss. weight, but this does not translate into a healthy weight reduction; on the contrary, it is a health risk to lose weight in this involuntary way. It is a situation that can cause various discomforts to the body.

For its part, the American Diabetes Association lists these other symptoms that can warn of diabetes:

Frequent infections Blurred vision Cuts/bruises that take time to heal Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet Recurrent infections of the skin, gums, or bladder

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