The help of more than 500 euros that Imserso offers to some pensioners

by time news

2023-11-10 01:18:22

Friday, November 10, 2023, 00:18


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Non-contributory pensions protect people who, despite never having contributed – or have not done so for the minimum required period – lack the basic means to survive. Many of them have serious difficulties paying the rent for a home. Even more so in these times, with prices absolutely skyrocketing.

The check for 525 euros is addressed to these people, officially called a supplement application for non-contributory pension holders who reside in a rented home. It is an aid managed by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso). To access it, potential beneficiaries must meet a series of requirements:

-Have recognized a non-contributory retirement or disability pension both on the date of the application and on the date of resolution.

– Lack of owned housing.

– Be the holder of the rental contract for the home.

– Not have a marital or kinship relationship with the landlord up to the third degree, nor constitute with him a stable relationship of cohabitation with a similar emotional relationship to the marital one.

– Habitually reside in a rented home. It is understood as such when the lease term is not less than one year, and you have resided in the home for at least 180 days prior to the date of the check request.

If two or more people who receive a non-contributory pension live in the rented home, only the holder of the rental contract will be entitled to the supplement. If there are several, the first one.

People interested in receiving the aid can contact the competent bodies of their respective autonomous communities, which are responsible for the management of non-contributory Social Security pensions. In Euskadi they are the social services departments of the provincial councils.

The supplement accrues annually and is paid in a single payment. The amount for this year is 525 years, and the deadline to request it ends on December 31.

Processing and documentation to be provided

In Euskadi, the application for aid can be made in person at the social services offices of the provincial councils or electronically. In this case, they must have a means of digital identification: o BAKQ, or one of the approved digital certificates.

People residing in Bizkaia who want to benefit from this aid must provide an application form and the rental contract. Residents in Álava must also present a registration certificate and a responsible declaration stating that they have no relationship, neither marital nor stable union and cohabitation with the landlord.

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