Israel’s Stance on Gaza Control: Beware of Palestinian Authority as a Stabilizing Solution

by time news

Title: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and MK Dan Iloz Reject Palestinian Authority Control of Gaza

In a recent interview on Fox News, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s stance on not intending to control or occupy the Gaza Strip. This statement came after MK Dan Iloz from his party published a sharp editorial attacking those advocating for the transfer of Gaza’s control to the Palestinian Authority.

Iloz emphasized the importance of clarity before international pressure starts building, stating that the Palestinian Authority’s support for terrorism and violence makes it a destabilizing force, not a potential partner for peace. He criticized the PA’s policy of financially rewarding terrorists and promoting hatred and incitement in its education system.

Moreover, Iloz pointed to the events following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, when full control was transferred to the PA, as evidence of the PA’s inability to maintain stability. He argued that the international community must reject any attempts to legitimize or empower the PA and instead focus on identifying true partners for peace.

In response, MK Dan Iloz emphasized the need for clarity regarding the Palestinian Authority’s role in supporting terrorism. He echoed Netanyahu’s stance that the PA is not a partner and should be made clear to the international community before facing tremendous pressure on the issue.

The rejection of the Palestinian Authority’s control of Gaza by both Netanyahu and Iloz reflects Israel’s continued firm stance on not empowering a force they view as contributing to the perpetuation of conflict and violence. This position also puts pressure on the international community to recognize and address the destabilizing role played by the Palestinian Authority.

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