Health, diabetes for 3.9 million Italians, experts: “Sweeteners help”

by time news

2023-11-10 11:19:00

There are 3.9 million Italians who suffer from diabetes. In recent years, treatments and awareness of the best ways to manage this disease have made great strides. There are many strategies that can be implemented by those who suffer from it. Sweeteners, for example, offer type 1 diabetics wider food choices, while they can help in the case of type 2 diabetes, as they do not raise blood glucose levels. Precisely for this reason, on the occasion of World Diabetes Day (14 November), the Italian Food Union – Sweeteners Group emphasizes the importance of promoting the culture of these products through expert advice on how to use them best and correctly.

Diabetes represents one of the most persistent pathologies of the century. The frequency of this disease is increasing everywhere and even in Italy the data is evolving negatively. According to the Italian diabetes barometer report 2023 created by the Ibdo Foundation – we read in a note from the Italian Food Union – in 2022 the number of diabetics in Italy is increasing with 3.9 million affected subjects, or 6.6% of the general population. Since 2019 there has even been an increase of +14%, equal to 400 thousand more cases. The data are also increasing compared to the latest Istat estimates dating back to 2020, according to which diabetes affected approximately 6% of the population, or over 3 and a half million people. Type 2 diabetes, also called adult-onset diabetes, is the most frequent and accounts for 90% of diabetes cases. Type 1 diabetes, also called juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes, accounts for approximately 10%.

“The relationship between sweeteners and diabetes has been the subject of numerous studies, reviews and meta-analyses – explains Luca Piretta, gastroenterologist and professor of nutrition and digestive pathologies at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome – It is clear first of all that low-calorie sweeteners they do not negatively affect blood glucose and insulin levels, making them suitable for people with diabetes. They also allow people with diabetes to better manage carbohydrate intake while still enjoying foods and drinks that taste sweet but have fewer or no calories. Furthermore, controlled clinical studies demonstrate that sweeteners do not negatively impact glucose control or cardio-metabolic health, suggesting that incorporating recommended doses of these substances by reducing the amount of simple sugars consumed can support a healthy lifestyle, which is the main and ideal tool to prevent type 2 diabetes”.

Used in place of sugar in many foods and drinks to provide a sweet alternative with few or no added calories, sweeteners are ingredients that can be hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar. Very small quantities are therefore needed to impart the desired level of sweetness to foods and drinks. But how can they be useful to people with diabetes? While extremely sweeter, low-calorie sweeteners, in the context of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, offer diabetics broader food choices by providing the pleasure of sweet taste without raising blood glucose. Furthermore, by having no impact on blood sugar and insulin levels and providing no calories, they may also have a role in weight loss and control for people with type 2 diabetes. Also the European Food Safety Authority ( Efsa) confirmed that low or no calorie sweeteners used to replace sugars induce a lower increase in blood sugar after consumption than foods and drinks containing sugar.

To prevent type 2 diabetes, experts recommend 4 simple rules. First of all, follow a healthy and balanced diet, then reduce the consumption of foods high in saturated fats and refined sugars, also through the adoption of sweeteners, and adapt the intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to Italian guidelines for healthy eating are all valid solutions for controlling portions and avoiding overweight; 2) dedicate at least 3 hours a week to regular and structured physical activity, such as walking, swimming or cycling. This must be combined with an increase in normal daily movement, for example preferring the stairs to the lift. Physical activity helps control weight by improving the ability of muscles to use insulin and absorb glucose; 3) monitor your blood sugar levels, especially if you are at risk such as those with a family history of type 2 diabetes, so that you can identify any changes early and take preventative measures. In addition to home glycemic control, general analyzes must also be carried out regularly in agreement with your family doctor, in particular with periodic checks of glycosylated hemoglobin: and pay attention to alcohol and smoking: excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of diabetes type 2. Finally, reducing or avoiding alcohol consumption and smoking is therefore a fundamental recommendation. “Light” smokers are about 29% more likely to develop diabetes than nonsmokers, and heavy smokers are at an even higher risk.

#Health #diabetes #million #Italians #experts #Sweeteners

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