Stellantis continues with the Zaragoza gigafactory despite the Perte ‘trigger’

by time news

2023-11-10 22:10:04

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has increased the aid for the gigafactory by only 2.5 million. Stellar promotes in Figueruelas (Zaragoza). The project, called Antares, initially obtained 53.4 million euros from the Perte VEC II (Electric and Connected Vehicle) call for batteries, an amount that has risen to 55.9 million – 4.6% more – in the final resolution known this Friday. The funds granted fall far short of the company’s claims. All in all, the commitment to this large investment remains firm, but for it to become a reality it must receive greater public support. The Government of Spain and the company are already exploring other avenues for financing.

The automotive group aspired to get close to 200 million euross of public incentives for an investment that would initially exceed 1,000 million. In this way, it has obtained just a quarter of the amount requested, which is the maximum it could qualify for according to European regulations on subsidies in this autonomous community. ““It has not met our expectations,” they openly recognize the multinational led by Carlos Tavares. Even so, they do not throw in the towel in their bet on un strategic and essential project for the future of the automobile sector in Aragon.

The comparison with the support received for other similar projects is abysmal. The china Envision has achieved almost six times more votes in the same Perte call, by becoming with 300 million (200 in subsidies and 100 in loans). The amount received by V is also noticeably larger.Olkswagen for its Sagunto (Valencia) project, which achieved 195 million from the ministry (100 from the first Perte and 95 from another game)

Nonetheless, Stellantis does not break the deck or throw in the towel in its commitment to a project that is strategic and essential for the future of the automobile sector in Aragon. This is how the statements released this Friday by the company are interpreted, but be careful, they also warn that lDue to public support, it cannot be limped so that the initiative prospers. They consider that it is “necessary to continue working together with the administration to obtain the necessary support for this project to be economically viable and materialize.”

In a statement, Stellantis also emphasizes that bets on Spain “as a recipient country of investments planned for future industrial projects, for which, in addition to the high levels of competitiveness, quality and social climate of our plants, the support of public institutions is essential.”

The company has received a total of 66.3 million from PERTE VEC II divided into four projects for its three factories in Spain. Figueruelas takes most of it. To the 55.9 million from the gigafactory, another 3.3 million are added to expand the battery workshop. The plants of Vigo 6.75 million is allocated and that of Madrid354,100 euros, both for assembly lines of this equipment.

Financing options

From the Ministry of Industry they assure that are collaborating closely with Stellantis to promote the projects underway in Spain. The Government has informed the company of the financing instruments available to reach the maximum to which it aspires.

“Investments like those of Stellantis “They represent a priority for this Government and the territories chosen to deploy their projects,” said Héctor Gómez, Minister of Industry. The ministry and Stellantis have agreed to hold meetings to establish the future line of action between the Government of Spain and the automobile group.

Stellantis considers that it is necessary to continue working together with the national and regional administrations, in this case the Government of Aragon, to obtain the necessary support for the Antares project to become a reality. In this sense, it is working with the Government of Spain on a roadmap that, beyond PERTE VEC II and through other existing mechanisms and lines, “make it possible to create the necessary conditions to achieve the level of necessary aid.”

Optimism in the Government of Aragon

Another positive sign for the future of the Figueruelas gigafactory is that the Government of Aragon has not blamed the ministry despite the little support it has granted to the project. The president of the regional Executive, Jorge Azconhas opted for caution in assessing the aid and has expressed his hope that the battery factory will be installed in Aragón. In this sense, he has advanced that he is optimistic about the “work” carried out between the company, the Government of Spain and the DGA in recent weeks.

“I am not willing to throw in the towel and I want to be optimistic. The minister said it very clearly: the effort is going to be 220%. And I want to believe him, because “It is in the autonomous community’s interest that there be coordination and cooperation between the three actors,” Azcón said.

Third call of the Perte VEC

Industry is already working on a third call of the Perte VEC, which will be released in early 2024 equipped with more than 1,200 million euros. As in the previous one, communication with interested companies will be continuous with the aim of clearing up any doubts about the process of submitting the projects, as well as the European framework and its requirements in terms of deadlines.

In addition, the ministry has begun to analyze the second line, section B, of Perte VEC II, which focuses on promote new models of electric vehicles and battery and fuel cell prototypes, as well as giving them a second life. The first provisional resolutions will begin to be published in December, among which is Stellantis.

“Spain is extremely competitive at the energy level, with a wide deployment of renewable energies that makes the price of electricity very attractive to international companies. We are convinced that, thanks to contact and intense public-private collaboration, Perte VEC III will be as successful as the second one,” Gómez assured.

#Stellantis #continues #Zaragoza #gigafactory #Perte #trigger

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