stop the cars already today

by time news

2023-11-11 01:04:33

There were two requests on the table: to allow the detachment of the machines at home on the one hand, and on the other to allow the child to be moved to the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome. But the British Court of Appeal “rejected the appeal of Indi Gregory’s parents” and denied the appeal to the Hague Convention for her transfer to Italy. And the new deadline for the removal of life support is set for today , Saturday 11 November, and not Monday 13 as was initially said.

Jacopo Coghe, spokesperson for Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus, and Simone Pillon, Italian lawyer for the little girl’s family, wrote on The two, in contact with Indi’s family and with the English lawyers, explained that the little girl will be transferred to a hospice and that, according to a correct interpretation of the sentence, the separation from the machines that keep her alive will take place today.

“It seems that they want to disconnect everything tomorrow (today, ed.) by taking the little girl to the Hospice”, wrote Pillon on social media, adding: “I have no words. If that were the case there would be no time left for anything…”. “The obstinacy of the English judges in wanting to put an end to the life of this little fighter, despite the contrary medical opinion of the Bambino Gesù hospital” in Rome, “is something simply satanic”, added the Pro Vita & Famiglia association.

The words of Indi’s father

“Claire and I are once again disgusted by another unilateral decision by the judges and the Trust. The whole world is watching and is shocked by how we have been treated,” said Dean Gregory, father of little Indi, after the hearing . “This feels like the last kick in the teeth. We will not give up fighting for our daughter’s chance to live until the end,” he added.

The man’s words were spread by the Christian Concern organization, which is supporting the girl’s parents. “Claire and I – continued dad Dean – have always wanted what is in Indi’s best interests. She has human rights and we wanted her to receive the best care possible. If the UK didn’t want to fund it, why can’t she go to Italy and receive the care and assistance that the extraordinary Prime Minister and the Italian Government have offered?” asks the father, reiterating that he wants to continue fighting.

The judges’ conclusions

Christian Concern then explained in detail what were the conclusions of the judges who “controversially ruled that the Italian intervention in the case of Indi Gregory under the Hague Convention is ‘totally ill-conceived’ and ‘not in the spirit of convention.’ Furthermore, the court “refused the family permission to appeal against a ruling according to which Indi’s life support cannot be removed at home”, effectively denying the possibility of managing the little girl’s end of life at home.

“They instead ordered the immediate removal of Indi’s life support,” the agency added. Yesterday it was also made known that the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wrote to ask for collaboration between the two countries for the purposes of the little girl’s transfer. “Despite the ruling and the observations of the judges of the Court of Appeal, it is not yet clear how the British courts will officially respond to the request made by Indi’s Italian ‘guardian’,” concluded Christian Concern.

Giorgia Meloni’s letter

In the case of little Indi Gregory, the therapeutic proposal of the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome, “world excellence in pediatric care”, is designed “to be more appropriate to the best interests of the child”, as Meloni wrote in the letter addressed to the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice of the United Kingdom, in which he requests that the two countries officially collaborate to facilitate Indi’s transfer to Rome under the Hague Convention.

The protocol involves “the application of a stent to the outflow of the right ventricle for the management of the cardiological condition and experimental treatments for D2, L2 hydroxyglutaric aciduria (phenylbutyrate therapy, citrate therapy and ketogenic diet). During implementation of these treatments, the hospital has ensured that the child will be guaranteed the complete absence of pain and the provision of ventilation systems that will reduce any discomfort for the child to the bare minimum”, we read further.

“Unlike the protocol proposed by the Nottingham hospital”, where the little girl is being treated and where they are pushing to stop the machines, the treatment at the Capitoline hospital “is not irreversible – the Prime Minister specified – but modifiable based on the best needs of child”. Meloni asks to inform the British judicial authority of the possibilities offered by the Bambino Gesù hospital. “I firmly believe – he wrote again – that this is in the child’s best interest: it will not cause her any pain, as our doctors assure, and it will give her just a further concrete opportunity to live a dignified life. I hope you can accept this request of mine, in time to allow Indi to access this possibility, in the spirit of collaboration that has always characterized the relations between our two countries”.

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