Who will walk where, and why?

by time news

2023-11-11 09:27:38

Since Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher’s call for a march for the Republic and against anti-Semitism on Sunday in Paris, the controversy has never ended. Should we participate when the National Rally, the leading party of the far right in France and which has more than anti-Semitic roots, has announced its participation? Even if the debate rages mainly on the left, the unease is also perceptible among the majority. We take stock of who will walk? Or ? And above all why?

In the majority

Despite the uneasiness that some have with the RN, among the elected officials contacted, there are few withdrawals. In government, Élisabeth Borne will make the trip and she should not be the only minister. Emmanuel Macron should not be there, according to the communication made Friday evening by the Elysée. At Renaissance, we are calling for demonstrations but “not behind the same banner as the National Rally”. Stéphane Séjourné, the party’s national secretary, should be in Paris. For information, Mathieu Lefèvre, deputy for Val-de-Marne, president of the France Israel friendship group, will also be in Paris. Just like Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade (French abroad), Patrick Vignal (Hérault) or Maud Bregeon (Hauts-de-Seine). Violette Spillebout (North) will be in Lille.

At MoDem, François Bayrou prefers the rally in front of the prefecture of Pau, the city of which he is mayor. The Association of Mayors of France has in fact launched its own appeal against anti-Semitism before the prefectures. But the president of the MoDem group in the Assembly, Jean-Paul Mattei, also elected from Béarn, will return to Paris for the “official” march, just like the elected Breton Erwan Balanant, for example. At Horizon, the party boss, Edouard Philippe, will not be there, he is traveling to Martinique. Contacted, the president of the group in the Assembly, Laurent Marcangeli, elected from Corsica, did not respond.

Socialist Party, Communist Party, Europe Ecology The Greens, Generations

The three left-wing parties will be at Sunday’s march between the Assembly and the Senate, together, wanting to form a cordon santé with the rest of the procession and the RN. Olivier Faure, the boss of the PS, who himself called for a transpartisan march against anti-Semitism last Sunday, will be there, as will the leader of the socialist deputies, the Landais Boris Vallaud. The deputy Philippe Brun, elected from Eure, will go to the rally planned in Evreux. The president of the socialist group in the Senate, Patrick Kanner, elected from the North, will not be able to be at the Paris march for material reasons.

Things are a little more complex among environmentalists, where the case of conscience to demonstrate on Sunday against anti-Semitism with the far right seems very widespread. Case study: the president of the group in the Assembly, Cyrielle Châtelain, will be in her constituency in Isère this weekend and “needs a little more reflection to make her decision”, because she “regrets the exploitation of the march by those who propagated anti-Semitism.” She hopes for a call to demonstrate, for example in Grenoble, which would explicitly exclude the extreme right, as exists elsewhere.

However, Marine Tondelier, the national secretary, will go to the march on Sunday, after having gone to that of Saturday, from Republic to Nation, for the release of the hostages and the ceasefire in Gaza. Sandrine Rousseau (Paris) will be at the march on Sunday afternoon but will not be able to do the march on Saturday “for material reasons”. Many environmentalists will do both demonstrations. As for mayors, that of Grenoble, Éric Piolle, will not be able to go to Paris, but supports the cordon santé of the left-wing parties. Grégory Doucet, the mayor of Lyon, will attend the citizens’ march in his city.

Lots of conscience about the demonstration on Sunday afternoon also on the communist side. Fabien Roussel (North), the national secretary of the party, like Marine Tondelier, will take part in the two marches on Saturday and Sunday afternoon in Paris. On the Generations side, which leaves its members free to go to the march that suits them best (“no injunction, no exploitation”), Arash Saedi, co-coordinator of the movement, and Benjamin Lucas, deputies for Yvelines, will be in Berlin, for a long-planned trip. On Sunday, they will go to the Shoah memorial.

To rebellious France

That’s the big part. The movement refuses to take part in the march on Sunday afternoon with the RN. The movement has already demonstrated during a rally in memory of Kristallnacht, Thursday evening, in Paris, in the 11th arrondissement.

We will instead respond to the call from youth organizations and unions for a rally against anti-Semitism and the far right, Sunday morning, at the memorial of the Vel d’Hiv roundup, in Paris. The president of the rebellious group Mathilde Panot (Val-de-Marne) will be there, along with Manuel Bompard (Bouches-du-Rhône), Hadrien Clouet (Haute-Garonne), Paul Vannier (Val-d’Oise), Sophia Chikirou (Paris), Louis Boyard (Val-de-Marne), Aurélie Trouvé or Thomas Portes, both elected officials from Seine-Saint-Denis. MEP Manon Aubry will also be there.

Several rebellious MPs will also go to demonstrations in the region, where the slogans clearly exclude the extreme right. This is the case in Strasbourg, where we will find François Ruffin (Somme), Alexis Corbière (Seine-Saint-Denis), Raquel Garrido (Seine-Saint-Denis), in the company of stage local Emmanuel Fernandes. Ditto in Nantes, where in addition to the local deputy Andy Kerbrat, we could find Clémentine Autain, but that is not yet certain.

Finally, several rebellious MPs should also go to Saturday’s demonstration for the release of the hostages and the ceasefire in Gaza, including Mathilde Panot, Nadège Abomangoli (Seine-Saint-Denis), Aurélie Trouvé, Paul Vannier or Louis Boyard. Thomas Portes, Antoine Léaument (Essonne) and Carlos Martens Bilongo (Val-d’Oise) will be in Lyon in a demonstration against the far right.

On the far right

Marine Le Pen asked all voters of the National Rally to go to the citizens’ march organized by Yaël Braun-Pivet and Gérard Larcher on Sunday. She herself should go there, like a good part of the party’s staff, including its president, Jordan Bardella. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, elected from the Somme, deputy president of the RN group in the Assembly, will for example also be at the Parisian demonstration.

Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party is also calling for people to follow the movement. Marion Maréchal, former member of parliament for Vaucluse and head of the party’s list for the European elections, will be there.

At the Republicans

The right-wing party calls without reservation to demonstrate at the call of presents of the two chambers in Paris, or of the Association of Mayors of France in the regions. There is therefore little at stake regarding the presence of LR elected officials. Éric Ciotti, the leader of the party, who will be in Paris, even calls on the President of the Republic to go himself to the Parisian march on Sunday afternoon. As an indication, note that the deputy Aurélien Pradié will be held at the Brive free trade fair, one of the most important in the country, but will attempt to walk on Sunday in the Lot, his department of election.


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