The Consequences of Decades of Unrealistic Politics: A Debate with Henrik Gustafsson

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Create a news article using this content The debater: The consequences of decades of unrealistic politics are now showingThis is a debate article. It is the writer who stands for the opinions presented in the text, not Aftonbladet.Published 2023-11-10 06.00Share the articleSave the articlefull screen It is almost unimaginable that the Social Democrats have the audacity to blame the current government for the problems we are facing today. For decades, they have pursued a policy alienated from reality, the consequences of which are now becoming increasingly visible, writes Henrik Gustafsson. Photo: TTDEBATE. As the Social Democrats make efforts to edit the past, it becomes apparent that they have let go of their moral guidance. For decades, they have pursued a policy that deviates from reality, the consequences of which are now becoming increasingly visible. The term “system collapse” is no longer an exaggeration, given that criminal gangs have now established an almost mafia-like presence, infiltrating various parts of society and undermining our basic structures. This is the legacy of a social democratic policy. One would expect that self-awareness and honesty would be prioritized, but instead they claim that the only solution is cross-block cooperation in which the Social Democrats play a central role. Advocating more of the same policies that got us here seems absurd, but that’s the position they stubbornly cling to. They are not doing this out of a genuine desire to save Sweden, that should be clear. The basic motive is their fear of being held responsible for the ongoing collapse, and finally, once the situation is under control, of being left out of a collaboration that has contributed to positive change and societal development. With close to 15 years of experience in politics, at various levels, I can confirm without a doubt that the political world is just as cynical as I describe, especially in a ruling party like the Social Democrats. By portraying themselves as part of the solution rather than the source of the problem, they seek to reshape their image and trust capital, thus erasing their own mistakes and responsibility for the crisis.Therefore, it is necessary to break through their petition and instead demand real responsibility from the Social Democrats. There is something deeply disturbing in the way they are now calling for cooperation as the only way forward. As if they forgot who just ruled the country for eight years. Just when it was thought that the political arena could not get more tainted, the Social Democrats came up with a report on how the first year of the new government has passed, focusing on the cooperation with the Sweden Democrats and developments in criminal policy. You have to be pretty naive to think that a year of trying new policies can solve problems that have accumulated over decades – especially the last eight years of Social Democrat rule. It is almost unbelievable that they have the audacity to blame the current government for the problems we are facing today. But this seems to be in line with their way of communicating politically and their persistent attempts to mislead voters. Like when Stefan Löfven recently attacked Tesla because they don’t have a collective agreement. The fact that his employer also does not have a collective agreement seems to make up for it. In a social democratic sphere, double standards and inconsistent decisions are part of the identity. Let us not fall for the Social Democrats’ attempt to rewrite history to present themselves as the only party for change. It is time to clear and decisively remove their rhetoric and implement a change based on the needs of reality, rather than political opportunism and peasant capture. It is only through genuine and sincere accountability, freed from political gamesmanship, that we can begin to repair our damaged nation and restore our security. The political maneuver of shifting the blame for one’s own failures onto others has become a common tactic, but in this case it is particularly transparent. We have to ask ourselves the question: How can a party that was involved in creating the problems yesterday, have the solutions today? It is a paradox that defies both logic and common sense. Or did you know what you were doing when you pushed your politics all the way into the tile? To be against a proposal while claiming to support it is another sign of the deep inconsistency that prevails. The issue of military aid to the police is one such issue. It is a play on words and a way of positioning yourself by appearing to be both against and for at the same time. It’s like going in circles, where the goal seems to be to create an image of unity, while undermining the real possibility of cooperation and progress. As we reflect on the turmoil and political mistakes of recent years, we must ask ourselves what true accountability really means. Standing up for one’s actions, admitting mistakes and taking concrete steps towards improvement should be the foundation of any responsible leadership. But unfortunately, this basic principle seems to have disappeared in the fog of political strategy and power play. We are facing a time where truth and transparency are more important than ever. In a society that is struggling with complex challenges, both domestically and internationally, it is crucial that solid and upright honesty comes before power plays and attempts to drive. Henrik Gustafsson, CEO and founder of GW Consulting Group. Former politician for the Sweden Democrats and press manager for the party until 2020 arrow Join the debate and comment on the article – like Aftonbladet Debatt on Facebook.

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