Young People Queue for Store Opening at Sergel’s Square in Stockholm – Thousands Waiting in Line

by time news

Title: Hundreds of Young People Queue Overnight in Stockholm for Store Opening

Updated 10.52 | Published 09.35

Hundreds of young people are currently queuing at Sergel’s Square in Stockholm, waiting for a store to open.

“We have been here all night,” says Lilly, 20.

The queue stretches from Drottninggatan around Sergels torg, all the way to the Galleria’s entrance. Many are tagged but a little frozen, according to Aftonbladet’s reporter on the spot. Several have been on site since late last night. According to some girls, the atmosphere is “hectic and stressful but pleasant”.

Lilly Levin Jansson, 20, has been queuing since 9.30pm on Friday to be one of the first in and get a gift bag from the make-up shop.

“The atmosphere is great! We’ve been here all night. Socialized with everyone, got to know new people, played cards and slept maybe ten minutes,” she says.

The police are aware of the large crowd. “We will see how it develops, but it is not a police matter at the moment,” says Per Fahlström, press spokesperson at the police.

Just before opening, the queue at the entrance thickened.

“Don’t press,” shouts a guard with a megaphone.

This event has captured the attention of many in Stockholm, as hundreds of young people have braved the cold and long wait to be among the first to enter the store. It remains to be seen if the store opening will live up to the high expectations set by the long queues.

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