“If I had been part of the Doors, Jim Morrison would not have existed” – Libération

by time news

2023-11-11 04:53:00

Always thirsty for experiences, the unpredictable and brilliant former footballer Eric Cantona reinvents himself as a haunted singer like Nick Cave or Leonard Cohen on the occasion of a gripping first EP, between rock, country and blues, entirely written and composed by his care. He is transcribing it right now on stage. The King is back.

What was the first record you bought as a teenager with your own money?

It was at a time when I only wanted to buy live records and not necessarily from people I knew. So The Doors, Absolutely Live, which I discovered thanks to the cover.

Your favorite way to listen to music, MP3, car radio, CD player, vinyl, etc.?

The vinyl turntable. Vinyl is alive. Especially the old ones, it’s even busier.

The last disc you bought and in what format?

Arctic Monkeys, Unplugged, on vinyl, in an old shop in Lisbon where they have extraordinary records.

Where do you prefer to listen to music?

Where my vinyl turntable is located. In my living room. And rather when I’m alone so as not to disturb anyone.

Do you listen to music while working? What type of music ?

No. Music inspires me but when I work, I’m already inspired.

The song that you are ashamed to listen to with pleasure?

I’m not ashamed of anything.

The record that everyone loves and you hate?

I’m only surrounded by people who listen to beautiful music, so no one likes a record I don’t like.

The disc you’ll need to survive on a desert island?

The Doors, Jacques Brel or Léo Ferré.

Is there a label that you are particularly attached to and why?

To my wife, I would even say, the very beautiful, Rachida Brakni.

Which record cover do you want to frame at home as a work of art?

Sex Pistols, God Save the Queen.

Do you prefer records or live music?

Live or live records. The presence all the same. Being a “performer” is not just an interpretation, it is a stature.

Your fondest concert memory?

Chet Baker. Around 1990, when I played in Bordeaux. It felt like the concert had lasted twenty minutes and, in fact, it had been two hours. It was spellbinding. He was facing his musicians, his back to the audience. It was exceptional.

Do you go to a club to dance, flirt, listen to music on a good sound system or do you never go to a club?

I like going to clubs. I remember when I worked in New York for the Cosmos, with my brother Jean-Marie, we liked to go to an old jazz club where guys took turns playing. We were in full jet lag. It ended at 6 a.m. while for us it was noon.

A record you would like to hear at your funeral?

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to hear it, but I would like us to play I want a track from my EP. Not because I wrote it, but because it is a message for everyone who will be there. Finally, if anyone comes…

Your favorite musical film or your favorite film score?

The music of Platoon by Oliver Stone and in particular Adagio from Strings by Samuel Barber. It moves me from the first notes. I found it exceptional in the film, but I continue to listen to it even without the images.

What is the record that you share with the person who accompanies you in life?

Every time I like a piece, if it’s there, I want to make Rachida listen to it straight away. When she is not there, I am unhappy because I would like to share this moment with her. The last song I played him was a magnificent duet between Mark Lanegan and Gérard Manset. But she also makes me listen to a lot of songs.

The last record you listened to on repeat?

It’s not a record but a filmed concert by PJ Harvey at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 2011. It’s sublime and the song The Piano is incredible.

The group you would have liked to be part of?

The problem is, if I had been in the Doors, Jim Morrison wouldn’t have existed. If I say that, it’s because Jim Morrison existed, and I don’t think he’s the type to share the stage and neither do I.

The song or piece of music that always makes you cry?

Lots of pieces by Alain Bashung but particularly Angora. Maybe because I have the image of him on stage singing it during one of his last concerts that I attended. It’s linked to his disappearance.

His favorite titles

The Doors The End (1967)

Sid Vicious My Way (1978)

Daniel Johnston True Love Will Find You in the End (1984)

Eric Cantona I’ll Make my Own Heaven (EP). In concert from November 14 to 16 in Paris, at the Théâtre de l’Atelier.
#part #Doors #Jim #Morrison #existed #Libération

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