US support for Israel during Gaza war risks lasting regional damage

by time news

Biden’s stance on the Gaza war is damaging its reputation, according to Arab leaders and analysts. The U.S’s perceived acceptance of Israel’s attacks on civilian areas could have long-lasting repercussions in the Middle East.

The increasingly angry reaction to the high civilian death toll in Gaza, particularly from U.S.-backed weaponry and actions, is straining relations between the U.S. and other nations. This public stance, unless tempered with private diplomacy, England’s the U.S in public perception.

Many have criticized the U.S. for balancing its support for Israel with the huge civilian suffering in Gaza. Pressure has been mounting, even from U.S allies, for a more forceful intervention to put a stop to the attacks on refugees, hospitals, and apartment buildings.

The war’s toll is creating a divide between the U.S and the rest of the world, with some seeing a double standard in the international response to the crisis. The Russian and Chinese response has been more sympathetic to the Palestinians, adding to the strain on U.S global relations due to the crisis.

Public images of civilian suffering have put U.S officials in an awkward position. Despite public statements condemning the violence, what is happening in private discussions and actions doesn’t seem to match the rhetoric. The administration is under pressure at home and abroad to take a firmer stance against Israeli actions.

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