Introducing a Law Against New Establishment in Care, School, and Welfare: Nooshi Dadgostar’s Urgent Proposal

by time news

Nooshi Dadgostar: Introduce a law against new establishment in care, school and care

It has gone so far that criminal gangs run care and welfare and are fattened by our tax money. It’s busy. The Left Party therefore comes forward with three proposals that can urgently do something about this, writes Nooshi Dadgostar. Photo: Getty

Shootings, violence and extortion make high demands on us as a society. Now gang crime must be broken. We need to tackle every area where the criminal networks operate and push them back.

One such is the Swedish welfare where our system is under attack. The privatizations that have been going on for many years have opened the door for unscrupulous actors to take advantage of our publicly funded welfare.

It has gone so far that criminal gangs run care and welfare and are fattened by our tax money. It’s busy.

Care, social care and schools have developed into new areas of risk for organized crime. Criminal gangs have established themselves in welfare and are intruding ever further into our everyday legal structures.

For example, they run health centres, vaccination clinics and HVB homes. In this way, they receive tax money for their criminal activity and launder money from the criminal activity.

That organized crime has found its way into our welfare means billions in losses and threatens our most immediate safety and health.

Our tax money thus now drives gang crime and a capital of violence where shootings of children and young people are the ultimate consequence.

SVT has reported on a man in the Foxtrot network with leading roles in the companies Andra chansen and Svea placementsjour, who has invoiced municipalities for just over SEK 20 million in the years 2016 to 2019.

In addition to the fact that placed children and young people do not receive the care they need, Ivo says today that they risk becoming criminally educated when the money does not go to the right things.

In 2021, Sweden’s municipalities and regions bought services worth SEK 194 billion from the welfare market, which would otherwise have been carried out in-house. These are breathtaking sums and, of course, very tempting for criminal networks to partake of.

Strong moves are required to combat this. The government’s and SD’s passivity in the matter is serious and worrying. We cannot have a society where young people shoot each other over money we pay in taxes.

The left party therefore comes forward with three proposals that can urgently do something about this.

– Introduce a stop law on the establishment of new companies in the healthcare, school and care sectors. The ensures that the influx of new businesses started by criminals is urgently stopped. The law must apply for three years in order to have time to clean up and prosecute criminal companies.

– Establish a new special unit at the Ecocrime Authority that can root out the criminals who have already penetrated welfare. That work must be done in collaboration with the police and prosecutors, and we want to invest SEK 30 million in that.

– Strengthen Ivo, the Inspectorate for Care and Care, in the work to ensure the quality of existing welfare activities. We want to invest SEK 60 million there.

Urgent measures are needed here and now to stop criminal gangs from using the welfare system as a crime tool and cash cow.

The violence and shootings against children and young people must end. Therefore, we are making these three proposals that we hope for a broad political consensus around.

Sweden needs us to stand united in powerful crime prevention measures against the progress of criminal gangs in our common welfare and on our streets and squares.

Nooshi Dadgostar, party chairman of the Left Party

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