«Agrisolidarity, relatives of politicians hired»

by time news

2023-11-11 12:04:12

Relatives of city councilors among the new hires in “Agrosolidale”. And it would not only be about political representatives of the city of Sant’Alfonso, but also about Lower Nocera e Valentine’s Day Torio. The complaint came yesterday from opposition city councilors Anna Rosa Sessa, Santino Ruggiero e Fabio Petrelli, after having learned of the results of the personnel selections initiated by the company that manages social policies in the district of Pagani, Sarno, San Marzano sul Sarno and San Valentino Torio.

The accusations of the opposition councilors

«From the results of the tests of the competitions carried out by Agrosolidale – they say – it would seem that, who join the municipal subsidiary that deals with social policies, there are also brothers, sisters, cousins ​​and relatives of city councilors. If that were the case – underline Sessa, Ruggiero and Petrelli – we would have tangible demonstration that the administration and the majority of the city of Pagani act in contempt of ethical rules and political opportunities that should always exist in politics». «While certain that Agro Solidale has guaranteed equal opportunities for all and selective tests that respect all the trappings of legality and transparency – add the opposition councilors – we are convinced that politics must also be made up of steps backwards and sacrifices to be made sooner and not later».

The silence of Agrosolidale

Agrosolidale, through a series of public selection procedures, has filled in recent weeks some vacant positions in its offices found in strategic sectors for the company, ranging from social and health workers to experts in planning and administrative activities. Competitions that did not find widespread support in the area, with tasks that ultimately saw only two candidates interviewed. There are still no official names compared to what was reported by the city councilors, but the wait is growing. By the management of Agrosolidale led by the director Gerardo Cardillo there are no declarations regarding the findings reported by the directors; probably a sign of the company’s desire to stay out of a violent political controversy which however does not pertain to the procedures put in place.

The mayor’s response

The opposition in fact wants to underline the ethical aspect of the affair, which however is completely denied by the mayor of Pagani, Lello De Prisco, which defends its majority with all its might. «We are faced with a public competition and it should be treated as such – underlines the mayor – These are not assignments, so anyone who disputes the outcomes or even participation need only contact the competent authorities. The issue is not political », concluded De Prisco. A way to underline how the procedure had no contamination – or worse, interference – from any exponent of local politics.

#Agrisolidarity #relatives #politicians #hired

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