With Nunes, Boulos and Tabata in the running, the race for SP City Hall begins even before the campaign

by time news

2023-11-12 02:00:24

With less than a year to go until the 2024 municipal elections, pre-candidates intensify mobilizations and exchange accusations; see the profile of the main competitors

Zeca Ribeiro Chamber of Deputies; Bruno SpadaChamber of Deputies and Pablo Valadares Chamber of Deputies Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Ricardo Nunes (MDB) and Tabata Amaral (PSB) so far are the best placed in opinion polls for the 2024 election in the capital of São Paulo

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With less than a year to go until the 2024 municipal elections, the race for Mayor of São Paulo is beginning to heat up behind the scenes of political parties. Among the names that intend to run in the election are the current mayor, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), federal deputies Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Tabata Amaral (PSB), Kim Kataguiri (União Brasil), Ricardo Salles (PL) and the economist Marina Helena (New). This is the first time in history that the Workers’ Party has not launched its own candidate. The party expressed support for Boulos and should nominate his vice-president on the Psolist ticket. As the Jovem Pan website showedin the survey carried out in September by the Paraná Research Institute, the PSOL candidate appears numerically in the lead, but there is a scenario of a technical tie with the current mayor.

In the stimulated survey, when the interviewee has access to the possible names in the election, Boulos has 35.1% of voting intentions, against 29% for the city’s current president. Both would technically be tied within the limit of the margin of error, which is 3.1 percentage points. In third is Tabata Amaral, with 7.5%, followed by Kim Kataguiri, who appears with 5.3%. In a second stimulated scenario, Boulos leads with 35.8%, compared to 31.1% for Nunes and 8.3% for Tabata. The first round of municipal elections will be held on October 6, 2024. The second round, if necessary, should take place on October 27. Check out the profiles of the pre-candidates and their first moves in the dispute for Mayor of São Paulo below.

Ricardo Nunes (MDB)

Ricardo Nunes (MDB) is the current mayor of São Paulo

Current mayor of the city of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, took office in 2021 after the death of Bruno Covas (PSDB), winner of the 2020 elections. Born in the capital of São Paulo, the pest control businessman was already president of the Southern Region Business Association (AESUL) and elected councilor of São Paulo in 2012 and 2016. The president has been negotiating a broad alliance together with the parties that made up the PSDB coalition in 2022 to make his candidacy for re-election viable. Among the main supports are the Republicans, the party of the current governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, and the Liberal Party (PL), the party of former president Jair Bolsonaro. Despite not having yet made an official alliance with the emedebista, Tarcísio has already stated that working with the mayor of São Paulo was a “gift” that he received.

Despite the negotiations, Nunes faces some distrust from the Bolsonarist base, who would like a candidate directly linked to the former president. However, the national president of the PL, Valdemar Costa Neto, heads the proposal of right-wing support for Nunes’ re-election as the only alternative. In his assessment, the city of São Paulo will not elect a “radical” – therefore, according to the party leader’s pragmatic reasoning, the ideal is to bet on a center-right name, as is the case of Nunes. Progressives and Solidarity have also expressed support for the re-election of the current mayor. This week, the mayor has defended himself against attacks from his direct opponents in the race for Mayor, who criticize his performance in the blackout that occurred in São Paulo. “I only regret this type of behavior, the population suffering and people wanting to make a stand”, declared the mayor in an interview with Jovem Pan News.

Guilherme Boulos (PSOL)

Guilherme Boulos is a federal deputy for São Paulo and pre-candidate for Mayor of São Paulo

Recognized as one of the leaders of the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST), in 2022, Guilherme Boulos was the most voted federal deputy in the State of São Paulo, with more than 1 million votes. With a degree in philosophy from USP (University of São Paulo) and a master’s degree in psychiatry from the Faculty of Medicine of USP, he was already a candidate for the presidency of the Republic in 2018, and a candidate for Mayor of São Paulo in 2022, when he lost the race to Bruno Pits in the second round. For the 2024 election, the psolista has the full support of the Workers’ Party and, consequently, of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), who is expected to make appearances side by side with the deputy even before the campaign. The strategy is to bring him closer to figures considered more resistant to the pre-candidate, such as businesspeople. Even so, the PSOL candidate states that he does not participate in the negotiations regarding the name chosen to be vice-president and that it will be up to the PT members to decide.

“There are big names lined up who can fill this role of companion or running mate. But we decided together between the parties that are making up our front, there are already five parties, PSOL, PT, PC do B, Rede and PV, that this definition will only be taken in 2024”, said Boulos in October. Behind the scenes, the names of councilor Juliana Cardoso, state deputy Eduardo Suplicy and Ana Estela Haddad, wife of Finance Minister Fernando Haddad, are being considered as possible indications to form the ticket. Boulos also has the support of PC from B, PV and Rede Sustentabilidade. Even before the campaign, the deputy has criticized the current mayor, who he called the “king of the box”, after the president completed his schedule at the Brazilian Formula 1 GP, at the Interlagos Circuit, during a power outage. in the city.

Tabata Amaral (PSB)

Tabata Amaral (PSB) is a federal deputy and intends to run for Mayor of São Paulo for the first time in 2024

Federal deputy in her second term for the State of São Paulo, Tabata Amaral has a degree in political science and astrophysics from Harvard and is an education activist. The São Paulo native began her career in politics at PDT, where she had Ciro Gomes as her political godfather. However, in May 2021, the parliamentarian left the party and joined the PSB, where she was re-elected in 2022. Co-founder of Movimento Mapa Educação and Movimento Believe, Tabata is a pre-candidate for Mayor of São Paulo for the PSB. The deputy was also approached by a wing of the PSDB to be the leader of the tucana party in the 2024 elections. The idea, therefore, would be for the party to launch its own strong candidate and not support the attempt to re-elect the current mayor of capital of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes. However, the president of the PSDB municipal directory, Fernando Alfredo, defends support for Nunes’ candidacy, an agreement made when Bruno Covas, who died in 2021, ran and won the election in 2020.

Or vice-president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) declared its support for the fellow party, which it classifies as “new and true change”. At an event at the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo (Alesp), he stated that his party can “change the lives of the population of São Paulo” with Tabata’s candidacy. The nod indicates that Lula and Alckmin, despite being president and vice-president of the Republic, should be on opposite sides in the municipal dispute. This week, the deputy also criticized the current mayor for his role in the blackout that hit São Paulo. “In the city that doesn’t sleep, the mayor has been sleeping on the spot for almost four years and nothing is happening,” she said.

Kim Kataguiri (União Brasil)

Kim Kataguiri may run for Mayor of São Paulo for União Brasil

The federal deputy Kim Kataguiri He emerged in politics as one of the leaders of the Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL), which he co-founded and was at the forefront of the movements for the impeachment of former president Dilma Rousseff (PT). In the 2018 elections, he was elected as federal deputy for São Paulo by the Democrats and, in 2022, he was re-elected by União Brasil. The pre-candidacy for the municipal elections in São Paulo in 2024 gained momentum last October. The party has not yet officially announced support for the federal deputy for the election, but Kataguiri has collected support from key members of the party, such as the vice-president Antonio Rueda and the senators Sergio Moro (PR)e Efraim Filho (PB), who praise the possibility of the politician entering the São Paulo competition.

With an eye on 2024, the federal deputy has also fired shots at the current mayor and last month filed a representation with the Public Ministry of São Paulo (MPSP) on the complaint that the City of São Paulo, under the management of Nunes, signed nine emergency contracts without bidding between the years 2021 and 2023 with the company DPT Engenharia e Arquitetura. The company is owned by a family close to the head of the municipal executive. In total, the agreements signed between the two parties total R$43 million, according to information published on the city hall and Municipal Audit Court portals (TCM).

Marina Helena (New)

Economist Marina Helena is the new bet for the municipal elections in São Paulo

Marina Helena is an economist with a master’s degree from UNB (University of Brasília) and built her career within the financial market, where she worked for 14 years in several institutions such as Itaú, Bradesco and Bozano Investimentos. In 2022, she obtained 50,073 votes for federal deputy and became 1st substitute for São Paulo. Former national leader of the Partido Novo, Marina was director of Privatization at the Ministry of Economy under Minister Paulo Guedes. The economist was previously CEO of the Millenium Institute and founder of the Brasil Sem Privilégios movement. In October, she was announced by Novo as a pre-candidate for mayor of São Paulo, defeating Vinícius Poit, former federal deputy and the party’s last candidate for the government of São Paulo, who was also considered behind the scenes to be the head of the ticket.

Ricardo Salles (PL)

Deputy Ricardo Salles tries to promote his candidacy for Mayor of São Paulo

In the absence of official support from the Liberal Party (PL) for the re-election of Ricardo Nunes, names linked to former president Jair Bolsonaro emerged behind the scenes as options if the party decides to launch its own candidate. Among those listed, federal deputy Ricardo Salles has placed himself as a candidate, despite Valdemar Costa Neto’s disapproval. Salles presented himself as a pre-candidate for Mayor at the beginning of 2023, but withdrew in June due to conflicts within the PL. The imbroglio resulted in an agreement made within the PL for Valdemar to give a letter of consent for the federal deputy to leave the party without losing his mandate. The information was confirmed by the parliamentarian to the Jovem Pan website.

The agreement was reached through Bolsonaro, who is honorary president of the party and an enthusiast of Salles’ candidacy for Mayor. Formal exemption is necessary due to the Party Loyalty Law. A Young pan, the former Minister of the Environment stated that the proposal is for Valdemar to facilitate the deputy’s withdrawal at the “opportune moment”. Formalization, however, should only occur when Ricardo chooses the new party – which has no date to happen. Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Salles entered politics in 2006 as a candidate for federal deputy for São Paulo, but was unable to be elected. In 2010, he tried to be elected as a state representative for the Democrats, also without success. Between 2016 and 2017, he was Secretary of the Environment of the São Paulo government under Geraldo Alckmin and later Minister of the Environment under Bolsonaro.

#Nunes #Boulos #Tabata #running #race #City #Hall #begins #campaign

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