Symptoms and main forms of prevention

by time news

2023-11-12 20:10:10

Cases of pneumonia in Mexico They reach their highest point between November and January. In part it is caused by the seasonal change that occurs during autumn and winter. During this period there is a high proliferation of germs that cause respiratory infections at the community level.

Given this, the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (Issste) urges the population to take care of themselves and prevent complications that can put life at risk.

The infectious disease specialist Regional Hospital “Gral. “Ignacio Zaragoza”, Omar Gerardo Blancas Reyes, reported that pneumonia reaches its maximum peak in Mexico between November and January. During this period it occupies between second and third place as a cause of admission to the emergency room and third as a reason for consultation in patients with prolonged hospitalization.

Main symptoms of pneumonia

Within the framework of World Pneumonia Day which is commemorated every November 12, the specialist and coordinator of Preventive Medicine at this hospital explained the main warning signs of this disease.

Dyspnoea. Chest pain. Persistent cough, which may be dry or with secretions.

Everyone can implement preventive actions, including: get vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19. Although it does not prevent infections, it does help to make the symptoms less severe.

The use of face masks in crowded and closed public places remains a national preventive recommendation by the Ministry of Health, and remains a long-term management measure against COVID-19 and acute respiratory infections.

He too frequent hand washing With the appropriate technique, it is a fundamental pillar to prevent diseases at the community level.

Pneumonia is an affection of the lower respiratory tract caused by many environmental pathogens, mainly Virus and bacteria.

Population at highest risk of pneumonia in Mexico

This disease affects everyone, although there are certain people and populations at higher risk and they are the ones who should be even more careful.

People with uncontrolled diabetes. People with obesity. People with immunosuppression. People receiving chemotherapy treatment. HIV patients. People who are not vaccinated or have an incomplete vaccination schedule.

In general, people under six years of age and older adults have changes in their immune system that make them more vulnerable, either due to immaturity or fatigue of their defenses.

The entire population, and especially risk groups, must maintain a healthy and adequate diet, water-based hydration; Cover up if you go outside and avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature as much as possible.

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