Israel’s Postwar Solution for Gaza: Divergence from U.S. and Arab World – Updated Nov. 12, 2023

by time news

Title: Israel Rejects U.S. and Arab World’s Postwar Solution for Gaza

Published: Nov. 12, 2023 1:29 pm ET

Israel appears to be diverging from the U.S. and Arab world on a postwar solution for Gaza, following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling out of a role for the Palestinian Authority. This is a stance that Washington and some Arab leaders prefer to take over from Hamas.

Netanyahu, under pressure from his right-wing political base, stated on Saturday that Israel wants a solution other than the Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas. The Israeli leader did not provide an alternative, only stating that Israel wants to avoid governing Gaza and needs to maintain security control over the strip after it defeats Hamas, which Netanyahu has sworn to do.

This announcement from Israel highlights a significant rift in the international community’s approach to the situation in Gaza, and indicates a potential stumbling block in efforts to find a resolution to the conflict.

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