Why should you do Base Training in cycling?

by time news

2023-11-03 13:41:42
The cycling preparation phase, known as Base Training, will involve building the foundation for the progression of harder and more intense training in the following phases.These aerobic workouts are like the foundation of your fitness for the rest of your season. The more time you dedicate to them before the competition season, the more intensity you can handle later.

What is Base Training?

Base training in cycling refers to that preparatory phase – between 8 and 12 weeks – whose The objective is to develop the aerobic base and a significant volume of work at low intensity as well as general physical conditioning.

As we explained in the article Benefits of Zone 2 Training, basic training in cycling involves a lot of high-volume work at very low, moderate intensity.

It is the training prior to others that will follow that are more specific and demanding in terms of intensity, duration and objective of the training.

In this case, the main objective is improve cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular endurance through training on the bike and also strength training in the gym.

In this phase of Base Training, generally, more importance is given to training volume (weekly training hours), and not so much the intensity. In fact, workouts are performed in purely aerobic training zones, 65%-80% of maximum heart rate.

It covers extensively the aerobic resistance and through programming we will seek to achieve the physiological adaptations typical of this phase.

But also, in this preparatory period, the bases of strength are also workedthrough general physical conditioning or basic general strength sessions in the gym, to develop different physical qualities: strength, flexibility, endurance and speed.

Aerobic training takes decades to fully develop, meaning you can see continuous improvement in performance, unlike higher intensity zones where performance can start to plateau within four to six weeks.

What should training be like in the base period?

First of all, you have to be aware of the importance it has and be aware of why and why you should do these training sessions.

In general, the vast majority skip this phase or shorten it, with the false myth that the more intense, the better performance. Without taking into account that, Excess training volume at high intensity will lead to general fatigue that will prevent you from improving.

Usually, some athletes (especially when they start with a specific preparation) find it very difficult to adapt to long outings at a low intensity.

We are used to the need to go the faster and longer the runs, the better, but that is not the right thing to do.nor the most appropriate thing at this time of preparation for the next season.

When talking about basic training in cycling, different session structures can be found, more or less long in terms of duration but with a common denominator: They are performed at low intensities around the first ventilatory threshold, or in training zones 1 – 2.

Progressing longer at lower intensities during aerobic training will ensure that efficiency is developed in the sub-threshold zones and maximize the aerobic base.

Extending your training in zone 2 a little on the day you ride, instead of finishing in high-intensity zones, will help you maximize your aerobic base when race season arrives. This will allow you to complete more time above threshold and capitalize on those peak aerobic and anaerobic efforts during competition and testing season (when it matters most).

How to do base training

Base training is purely aerobic:

The training will have a duration between 90 minutes and 3 hours,Working at a intensity (either measured in watts, heart rate) corresponding to zones 1- 2.The ideal is look for routes that do not have excessive elevationsince in these cases, at the level of intensity, peaks usually occur, although you can always reduce it with a more moderate pace to stay within the established zones. The ideal terrain must be found to achieve maintain target pulse/watt range. It is not logical that, if your heart rate range is, for example, 120-155, you should look for a terrain that does not allow you to go within them. This is also a good time to work on cadence and pedaling technique.

Regarding strength training in the gym:

Should be worked on strength aimed at improving fatigue resistance. That is, work with low loads or your own body weight but a high number of repetitions of each exercise, and between 3-4 series of the same. On the other hand, if you use the Training Peaks application to record your workouts, a way to test yourself during the base season is
analyze the Pw:Hr (cardiac drift) of these efforts. It’s a good way to check aerobic fitness.

Have a Pw:Hr inferior al 5% in longer steady-state efforts will ensure that your aerobic capacity matches the power demands of the effort.

A cardiac deviation greater than 5% may be a sign that the intensity is too high or that other environmental factors, such as heat or cold, and diet, need to be addressed.

Nutrition during base training

On the one hand, They are workouts whose main metabolic pathway is the oxidation of fats due to their intensity.However, they are long-duration workouts in some of the sessions. In this way, the hydration strategy with mineral salts (electrolytes) must be maintainedeven now in the cold season (the sensation of thirst is less and the athlete tends not to hydrate adequately with the negative effects that this entails). Likewise, it is a good time to introduce some training on an empty stomach in order to seek metabolic efficiency adaptations, always prescribed by your trainer.

Evolytes Powder (Mineral Salts)

When we manage to improve efficiency at a metabolic level, the power at which we can pedal without fatigue increases, using our lipids as an energy system instead of glycogen as the main source.

Thus, the greater the ability of the cyclist to continue using the lipid system as a source of energy at high intensities, more glycogen will remain in the reserve tank, because this is limited. Approximately the uses of energy deposits roughly correspond to a 90% lipids (fats) and only 10% carbohydrates (hydrates)hence the importance of being as efficient as possible.

All these adaptations or physiological improvements must be carried out during the base period, since then it is time to look for other objectives and improvements.

For higher intensity and longer workoutsan energy contribution from an isotonic drink, intake of energy gels or a drink that contains an adequate contribution of both will be necessary.



Remember not to underestimate this base training period, which lasts about 8-12 weeks so that the following adaptations can occur.

Improved cardiovascular performance economy (it will be essential for a good season).Improvement of lipid metabolism.Improvement of the capillary network and promotion of mitochondrial function.It is a good time to work on cadence and pedaling technique.Time to enjoy medium-long sessions without agonizing efforts, it promotes recovery.

References / Bibliography

Jones, A.M. & Carter, H. (2000, June). The effect of endurance training on parameters of aerobic fitness. Retrieved from

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