10 home methods to eliminate woodworms, moths or termites

by time news

2023-11-13 21:00:19

Three invasive pests and the same victim: wood. Learn how to identify the insect that is damaging your furniture and the best strategies to eliminate it.

Last update: November 13, 2023

If you find your wooden furniture with small holes, sawdust around it, or cupped in the center, it is most likely the victim of an infestation. Woodworms, moths and termites are the three most common insects that attack everything from beams to small objects.

However, each species has its peculiarities, both physically and in the evidence they leave behind. Identifying which one is damaging your belongings is essential to get to work on eliminating it.. Therefore, we bring you the keys to distinguish them and the tools to eradicate them.

What are they and how to identify woodworms, moths or termites in wood?

These are the most common wood insects, which can become a pest in the home. The woodworm, the moth and the termite share a single characteristic: they are xylophagous, that is, that wood is their main source of food.

In their search, they delve in different ways into beams, antique furniture, restored pieces, cabinets, slats, panels and all kinds of elements that are made of wood. But, there are marked differences in their appearance and way of attacking.

While woodworms are dark in color and make a small noise, moths resemble butterflies and are whitish in color. For their part, termites look like ants and are the most harmful and difficult to identify. Let’s look at some specific features that help distinguish them better.


Anobid woodworm, the most common variant in home woods.

Woodworm is the name for the larvae of a group of beetles that feed on the cellulose of wood. As they pass, they leave holes in objects where they deposit their larvae and carry out their reproduction cycle.

To identify them, it is possible to see large perforations and quite a few traces of sawdust in the hot months, in addition to the fact that they emit a slight sound. while they eat, although sometimes it is difficult to identify it. There are three species of woodworms, the most common in the home being anobid.

Form. Small beetle.
Alas. It may have wings, although they do not fly.
Size. Three to seven millimeters long.
Favorite wood. Antique furniture and dry wood, pine or fir.
Color. Dark tones, usually in the range of browns, reddish and black.
Traces. They deposit their larvae inside the wood. They leave holes and traces of dust. They make slight sounds.

For their part, the lyctidsknown as parquet woodworms, they are somewhat larger in size and prefer damp woodss, for example: ash, oak or walnut. In addition, they leave finer traces of sawdust, similar to flour.

While variant cerabicidscalled large woodworm, has a lighter color and it is the largest of the three species. It leaves more oval holes with dimensions of six to 10 millimeters and prefers recently cut wood. In their adult stage they can reach a length of between 12 to 25 millimeters.


The moth, grayish in color with a yellowish head, is a nocturnal insect.
Form. Butterfly type.
Size. Seven to eight millimeters long.
Favorite wood. Old, damp and antique.
Alas. Its main distinction. They have large wings and fly.
Color. Light shades, from brown to gray and white, sometimes with spots.
Traces. Small grains of dust and holes smaller than those of woodworm.

Moths leave their larvae inside wooden objects. When they grow and emerge, tiny holes remain that allow their presence to be distinguished. They are numerous, dispersed and contain remains of sawdust around them. They appear, for the most part, in the spring and summer seasons.


Termites are not dangerous to humans, but they can affect structural elements.
Form. Ant type.
Color. White or cream tones.
Size. Between five and eight millimeters in length.
Alas. There are variants with wings, but others only have straight antennae and six legs.
Traces. The most difficult to identify. They do not make noise and hardly leave traces on the object, since they remain inside.
Favorite wood. Structural elements, such as beams or columns. They rarely attack moving objects. However, they are voracious and eat any type of wood.

The most harmful wood bugs are termites, because they feed on the material silently and discreetly. They eat the cellulose and advance deeply, creating holes in the internal part. There are three types of termites.

Underground. They nest underground, move from the bottom up and come out in spring. They have a whitish color and a dark head.
wet wood. They seek soft and humid environments. They have wings, so they can fly and enter this type of wood. They appear in autumn and are darker in tone.
of dry wood. Also winged, cream-colored and dark-headed. They come out between spring and summer, prefer hard materials and are usually present in places where wood is sold.

If the termite infestation is allowed to act, it diversifies, affecting the structural aspect, due to action on beams and columns. To avoid this, let’s look at the most effective homemade ways to eradicate them.

10 home methods to eliminate woodworms, moths or termites

If you have discovered damage to your furniture or heard these insects activity at night, consider the following eradication methods. First of all, it is important to identify which species is causing the problemand then apply the corresponding solution.

Remember that all the materials you use must be handled with gloves and/or masks, as their use can be toxic or cause allergies in sensitive skin.

For woodworms and termites

To eliminate woodworms and termites, naturally, it is recommended to use, in addition to hot and cold air, other home methods that we will see below.

1. Vinegar, suitable for woodworms or termites

Prepare a mixture with vinegar and two tablespoons of alcohol. Soak the contents in a brush and pass them over the affected furniture. Also, if you have a syringe, inject the vinegar into the holes created by the insects.

This solution can also be applied to a termite problem, although it is more effective with woodworms. As a variant, you can add lemon juice to the mixture.

2. Hot air for woodworms

One of the specific solutions for woodworms in wood is to take a hair dryer and ventilate the damaged area. Aim the object at the holes with the highest possible temperature, since insects cannot stand heat. When finished, place a plastic sheet on the wood for a few hours to contain the temperature.

3. Solar light for termites

These insects prefer humid spaces with little light, so one way to combat them is move the damaged furniture to sun exposure. This would not apply to a structural element, due to its difficulty in moving.

4. Boric acid for termites

This chemical compound is widely used as an antiseptic and insecticide.. In the case of termites, you must make a mixture with the following products:

1 tablespoon milk 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon boric acid

Once you have the ingredients ready, you must place the preparation in a small container and leave it near the termites so that they eat it and die. It is recommended to always use protective elements, such as gloves and masks, when handling the mixtures, as they can cause allergies in some skin types.

5. Extreme cold for woodworms or termites

Not only heat affects these insects, but also extreme cold. If you are in a place with very low temperatures, Take the affected object outside and cover it with plastic for three days. Repeat the process two or three times and, when finished, clean the furniture with vinegar.

6. Acorn for woodworms

This fruit of various trees is attractive to woodworms. To use it as bait, Just wrap a few fresh specimens in a handkerchief or cloth to form a small bag.. Then, place it near the wood, making sure it is during the summer months, which is the time of its reproduction.

The insect will be attracted to the acorns and will lay its eggs there, so, at the end of the warm season, the bait must be removed and destroyed.

7. Turpentine and tea tree for woodworms

It is one of the most used to combat woodworms in wooden furniture. To prepare a solution with these two components, perform the following steps:

Paso 1. Purchase tea tree essential oil and turpentine.
Paso 2. Mix a few drops of tree oil with turpentine in a container.
Paso 3. Take a syringe and fill them with the preparation.
Paso 4. Inject the product into the holes that woodworms leave in the wood.

for moths

To eradicate moths from your wooden furniture, there are few known but effective home methods that will help you eliminate this pest. Among them are:

8. Gels for moths

These are hanging gels that are installed near furniture to scare away moths. Besides, They work as a preventive product and are very easy to obtain in cleaning stores or supermarkets.

9. Plant mix for moths

A natural solution to repel moths is mix mint leaves, cloves and rosemary branches in a small bagwhich you can hang near the furniture where these insects roam.

10. Citrus Fruit Skins

One of the best options to eliminate moths from your wooden furniture is with fruit peels such as orange, tangerine or lemon. To do this you must remove them from the pulp and let them dry. Then place them in bags that you can store in drawers or hang in strategic places to scare away these insects.

Seek professional assistance if woodworms, moths or termites do not disappear

In cases where the pest is not stopped with homemade solutions, you should go to professional fumigators. They carry out comprehensive work with different chemical elements depending on the species and state of the pest. For example, woodworms are usually treated with insecticidal sprays, lures and impregnation of specific gels.

For their part, moths are eliminated with a combination of insecticides called Deltametrina y On Fipron. These chemicals are dangerous to human health and should only be handled by professionals.. The same goes for termite-killing pesticides, such as sulfuryl fluoride.

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