Diet for the lungs: what to eat to keep them clean and healthy

by time news

Diet for the lungs: Protecting this key organ has become even more important after Covid-19

I lungs are among the most important organs in our body and now that the Covid-19 has seriously jeopardized its functions (in the most serious cases it can lead to forms of pneumonia also fatal) has become even more critical to keep them clean and healthy. As often happens, the diet can be an excellent tool to safeguard our key organs, lungs included. Diet certainly helps keep them healthy but we must still abandon bad habits such as smoking, one of the main causes of cancer.

Lungs Diet: Here’s What To Eat To Cleanse Them

According to some studies, among the foods that have a purifying effect that also involves the lungs there are the grapefruit, rich in antioxidants that improve cell function and prevent cancer and other lung diseases. Other foods useful for this purpose are also the timo, used to fight phlegm for its antiseptic power, andgarlic, which eaten raw would reduce the risk of chronic disease for smokers.

L’Origan helps eliminate toxins due to the high concentration of carvacrol and monoterpene. Equally useful are the carrots, rich in vitamins A, C, E, K which stimulate tissue repair if eaten raw, it is ginger thanks to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory power, ideal for fighting bronchitis.

However, we must remember that before changing your diet it is always advisable to first contact a doctor, nutritionist or dietician to be sure that you are following a diet suitable for your real needs.

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