Patients do not listen to their doctors

by time news

2023-11-14 18:00:34

The diabetes in Mexico It is one of the biggest public health problems. Despite efforts, each year more people are registered with the condition. But beyond promoting prevention, one of the greatest adversities is adherence to treatment in the case of patients who are already diagnosed.

The pace of life and poor nutrition are aspects that have driven this condition. Although first of all it is necessary to talk about the various types that exist because not all of them are the same.

What types of diabetes exist?

Type 1 or childhood diabetes. Type 2 diabetes or mellitus. Gestational diabetes. Prediabetes (only stage that can be reversed).

To date, just over 90 percent of the cases correspond to type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is also the only one that can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Simple aspects such as constant physical exercise and maintaining a stable weight are the first steps to reduce risks.

Diabetes in Mexico, a problem that continues to increase

According to the National Health Survey (Ensanut) 2022, The diagnosed prevalence in Mexico is 12.6 percent. While those not detected clinically were 5.8 percent, that is, 18.4 percent of the population over 20 years of age presents it.

In addition to the above, attention must also be paid to the prediabetes which, according to Ensanut data, corresponds to 22 percent of individuals in that condition. They are the ones who are about to develop the diabetes but they can still avoid it.

Now, when a person is diagnosed with diabetes You must start with lifelong pharmacological treatment, although in Mexico the majority do not follow it or pay attention to their doctor’s instructions.

In fact, it is estimated that only three in ten adhere to treatmentwhile only 36 percent have goal control in their glycosylated hemoglobina blood marker that measures the average glucose level or sugar during the last three months and allows correct surveillance of the disease.

Main symptoms of diabetes mellitus

Going to the bathroom more frequently Suffering from urinary infections frequently Losing weight without trying Deterioration of vision Feeling of fatigue or exhaustion Skin discoloration

What happens to patients with diabetes who do not follow their treatment?

For its part, when a person does not follow the instructions of the medical staff to the letter, they are exposed to various complications. Among the main ones is the diabetic foot by causing damage to blood vessels and nerves.

There is also the diabetic neuropathy because when a patient has this condition it means that they have been without adequate control for years, which affects their nerve endings, causing tingling or an itchy sensation.

Finally, for every one percent decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin, there could immediately be a 20 percent decrease in risk of a heart attack; 43 percent chance of amputation; 37 percent of microvascular, renal disease or diabetic neuropathy; 21 percent death from other associated causes; 19 percent cataract surgery; 16 percent risk of heart failure; and 14 percent of myocardial infarction.

On the other hand, the most important comorbidities in diabetics are obesity, kidney damage, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. Ensanut points out that 28 percent, even 40 percent, of people living with diabetes have kidney damage, 30 percent have high cholesterol, and at least 30 percent more are overweight or obese.

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#Patients #listen #doctors

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