The countries that will have the most people with diabetes in 2045

by time news

2023-11-14 22:00:56

Despite the importance of health, there are many people who do not pay attention to their own integrity. In fact, there are some countries that stand out from the rest because they have the most people with diabetes and even the future outlook does not look encouraging.

This condition affects more and more people and makes no distinction. they can
suffer citizens from all social strata and although it was previously believed that it was
Exclusive to older adults, this is not the case now. It increasingly appears at older ages
early and there are even variants that affect children and pregnant women.

Which countries will have the most people with diabetes in 2045?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) There are around 463 million people diagnosed. Although it is a global problem, there are some nations more affected than the rest.

In the case of Mexico, diabetes is on the rise and according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) 10.3% of the population over 20 years of age suffers from it. The figure is equivalent to just over 12 million people.

Despite being a significant chronic disease, the attention given to preventing short- and long-term complications has been insufficient. One of the many problems is that attention is focused on glucose and weight control but forgets to promote prevention to avoid the onset of the condition.

Currently Mexico is one of the countries with the most people with diabetes in the world In the future it is estimated that it will remain among the first places. Although the truth is that there are other nations where the prognoses are much worse.

According to a study published by Statesman, by 2045 China will rank first among the countries with the most people with diabetes. It is expected that at that time it will have 174.4 million patients.

For their part, India and Pakistan will be lower with 124.9 million and 62.2 million, respectively. If the forecasts are met, then Mexico will be in eighth place with 21.2 million diagnosed patients.

In fact, the prevalence of diabetes in Mexico has quintupled over the last 50 years. Currently it is the second cause of mortality in the country, only below the heart disease.

Main causes of mortality in Mexico today

Heart diseases Diabetes mellitus Malignant tumors Liver diseases Accidents Covid-19 Cerebrovascular diseases Assaults (homicides) Influenza and pneumonia Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Now, to prevent a scenario of this type from occurring, it is necessary to take action now. It is only necessary to remember that living with diabetes increases the propensity to develop eye problems such as glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.

In that vein, the Diabetic retinopathy It affects 103.21 million adults worldwide and continues to increase due to lack of knowledge, timely care and the absence of symptoms in the early stages.

Also read:

The main causes of mortality in rich and poor countries, why are they so different?

Maternal mortality: Every year 4.5 million women die in the world

The 10 main causes of mortality in Mexico today

#countries #people #diabetes

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