Israeli blitz in al-Shifa hospital, for Hamas it is a “crime against humanity”

by time news

2023-11-15 11:27:39

Israeli tanks entered the al-Shifa hospital complex in Gaza during the night, a journalist from the Palestinian Wafa agency told CNN. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spoke of a “precise and targeted operation”, while the Health Minister of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), Mai Alkaila, claims that “Israel is committing another crime against humanity We hold the occupation forces fully responsible for the lives of medical personnel, patients and displaced people in al-Shifa,” Alkaila said.

According to the IDF, Hamas “continues military use of al-Shifa” and “has jeopardized the hospital’s protected status under international law”. Israel believes it gave the Hamas operatives accused of being inside the hospital enough time to cease their activities inside the building. For their part, al-Shifa officials have consistently rejected Israel’s claims that Hamas has built a major command center beneath the hospital, the largest in Gaza.

A doctor at al-Shifa told CNN that they were given 30 minutes’ notice before the Israeli operation on the compound began. “We were asked to stay away from windows and balconies,” he explained. Al-Jazeera reported that IDF soldiers interrogated medical and paramedical staff, as well as patients inside al-Shifa hospital, and asked everyone to move to the courtyard ahead of the evacuation of the medical complex. The broadcaster specified that it was not clear where the evacuated people would be transferred. Soldiers raided the emergency room, the specialized surgery department and the maternity ward, al-Jazeera reported, adding that the IDF “are searching room by room, corridor by corridor”.

The Israel Defense Forces said they found Hamas weapons and goods inside the al-Shifa hospital, proving the presence of the Islamist group in the Gaza hospital. The IDF added that explosives had been placed in front of the hospital. There is no indication of any hostages currently being held in the facility, but the IDF said the operation could provide intelligence information on the prisoners. The army says there has been no “friction” between the troops, patients and medical staff at the hospital during the ongoing operation. At least 5 Hamas gunmen were killed during a firefight outside the hospital; no soldier was injured.

In a statement the IDF underlined that incubators for newborns, baby food and medical supplies were brought by Israeli Defense Forces tanks from Israel to the Gaza Strip and were delivered to al-Shifa hospital: “Medical teams and Arabic-speaking soldiers are on site to ensure these supplies reach those who need them.”

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