Cuba looks in the Palestinian mirror

by time news

2023-11-10 23:12:59

As has usually happened since 1992, only two countries voted at the UN in favor of the blockade of Cuba: the United States and Israel. However, this time the routine of the world against two perpetually deaf governments in the United Nations has not felt the same. Those who continue to justify the sanctions against my country are the main actors in the massacre in Gaza, which demonstrates how policies of maximum pressure on a people can lead not only to the moral abomination of the apartheidbut to the direct and programmed genocide of the civilian population.

In Cuba we follow Israel’s attacks on the Palestinian population and the justifications of the White House, with indignation and full awareness that these bombs can also fall on our heads, because we have lived the preamble to that war and continue to live it in the flesh. own.

The blockade plus the inclusion of Cuba on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism have deteriorated living conditions in this country to almost unbearable levels, which has a direct link with emigration to the United States – nearly 500 thousand Cubans in the last two years they arrived at the southern border.

“The United States government has not been effective in its number one objective of overthrowing the government it does not like, but unfortunately and painfully it has been very effective in harming the Cuban population in a very short time… For many people, It is better to leave the country,” the deputy director of the United States in the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Johana Tablada, acknowledged last week in an interview with NBC News.

Saving geographical and historical distances, there are evident symmetries between the Caribbean island and the occupied Palestinian territories. The blockade of food, medicine, oxygen for hospital centers during Covid, fuel and basic necessities, lead to the desperation of invisible and disposable beings that live, as in the story “Embargo”, by José Saramago, trapped in a machine that neither the individual nor the community can control, which damages the ability to understand the nature of crime and leads to devastation.

Like the blockade of Cuba, the tragedy of Gaza did not begin now. United Nations reports have reflected the impact of 18 years of isolation and sanctions for the 2.2 million Gazans. Before October 7, the unemployment rate there was the highest on the planet. According to the World Bank, it rose to 46.6 percent (62.5 percent for those under 30 years of age). Two out of every three Gazans depended on international aid to eat (1.5 million people were registered as exiles with the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA). The territory’s only power plant barely covered half of the demand, causing blackouts of between 12 and 18 hours a day. 80 percent of families lived below the poverty line.

Each of these figures has a correlation in the Antilles after 60 years of US blockade. If a worse situation has not been reached, it has been due to the work and grace of social policies and because the majority of Cubans tightened their belts, without ignoring that errors and missteps have been made that are not attributable to the people who resist, who do not He has plans to emigrate and is trying, as the writer Cintio Vitier said, to build a parliament inside a trench.

Israel’s approach to Gaza, characterized by Efraim Inbar and Eitan Shamir in a Jerusalem Post editorial as the “mow the grass” strategy, is not very different from what is heard as a “solution” for Cuba in media and social platforms. from Florida. The problem is not the conspiratorial mentality and the loud calls to invade the island, following the example of the Zionist State. Everyone can believe or disbelieve whatever they want, even believe in things that border on delirium. What is serious is that people are intoxicated by theories that have become “common sense,” that are supported by financial support from the US government and that encourage intransigence and even military aggression.

Despite UN resolutions that have for years denounced the explicit intention to exterminate a people declared guilty for the mere fact of existing, of being what they are, a Palestinian child is dying every 10 minutes. With rage and pain, Cuba looks at itself in the Palestinian mirror.

#Cuba #Palestinian #mirror

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