This is the new sign that you will find on Spanish roads

by time news

2023-11-16 18:30:02


Updated at 5:30 p.m.

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Collisions with animals on Spanish roads have shot up to 92% in recent years, according to the VI Report of the Ponle Freno-AXA Road Safety Studies and Opinion Center. For this reason, the firm Traffic Futura, a technology company of the Industrias Saludes group, has manufactured FuturaLux P-24. These are specific P-24 regulatory signs, manufactured entirely in Valencia, warning of danger due to the presence of loose animals that incorporate flashing lights to attract more attention, and that “have already been installed in more than 100 locations in the different demarcations of the Spanish territory”, as detailed by the commercial director of Industrias Saludes, Jose Manuel Perez.

Along these lines, accidents related to animals represent a growing challenge in Spain, which raises concerns both in terms of road safety and in determining responsibilities after an accident. The General Directorate of Highways (DGC) of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) has developed a systematized and homogeneous procedure for all the roads under its jurisdiction (RCE) with the objective of identifying Sections with Special Frequency of Road Incidents with Animal Involvement (TEFIVA). Is about sections with a minimum length of 1 km in which in the last five years at least 10 incidents related to fauna of a certain size have been recorded and some of them have caused an accident with victims.

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It has been marked with sign P-24, warning of danger due to the presence of loose animals, complemented by a panel indicating the length affected by said section. At the corners of the P-24 at the beginning of the section, flashing lights have been placed to attract more attention (with battery or solar panel), regulated so that they work during nighttime hours and twilight. When the length of section to be marked is equal to or greater than 2 km, Intermediate signage is available as a reminder.

In terms of operation, with three LED glasses, these signs warn of the existence of a section with a special frequency of the arrival of animals at risk of being run over, thus contributing to safer traffic on the roads. The LED indicators are visible during the day and at night, and you can choose which work only at night or 24 hours a day.

One of the highlights of these signs is that they work with solar energy. Specifically, FuturaLux P-24 has a solar panel that collects sunlight and a battery to store that energy. In addition, it automatically adjusts its brightness according to the amount of light in the environment. If there is no sun, these signs can still operate for more than 10 days before running out of power, and when the sun shines again, they recharge in less than a day and a half.

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