Novartis is aiming for Italy, investments of 350 million by 2025

by time news

2023-11-17 10:53:01

Novartis is targeting Italy with investments of 350 million euros by 2025. The choice reflects the new strategic positioning of the Swiss company on the market, which following the spin-off of the Sandoz generics division is focused entirely on innovative drugs. The business focuses in particular on the 5 areas with the greatest medical needs: cardiovascular, immunology, neurosciences, solid tumors and hematology. The investment of 350 million covers the period 2023-2025 and serves to strengthen the capacity for scientific innovation in Italy, while increasing the production capacity of the factories, starting from the two centers of excellence of Torre Annunziata (Naples) and Ivrea Turin) .

Novartis – recalls a note – is a pioneer in the development of highly technological platforms, such as those of advanced therapies, radioligands, siRNA-based drugs, with therapeutic approaches that have the potential to represent new standards of care in various areas with unmet medical needs. With a turnover of 1.7 billion in 2022 (+3.5% compared to 2021), 7 offices and 1,800 employees, Novartis represents the leading pharmaceutical company in Italy and boasts a well-rooted presence in the country. In addition to its headquarters in Milan, it operates in Torre Annunziata, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Molise. Annual and constant investments in Research and Development have allowed it to be the pharmaceutical company with the highest number of clinical trials in Italy, including phase 1 ones: more than 220. Novartis is present with 7 offices across the country, including including 2 centers of excellence, in Torre Annunziata and Colleretto Giacosa (Turin), global reference points for the innovation of the entire group.

In addition to being one of the largest pharmaceutical production companies in the South, the Novartis plant in Torre Annunziata – continues the note – is also an important center for innovation, a true reference for companies and start-ups with a high intensity of scientific-technological research . Novartis’ most innovative drug for heart failure is produced here, with volumes capable of satisfying international markets. Overall, the plant is capable of producing 140 million packages in a year, for 15 different types of medicine, destined for 118 countries.

The Colleretto Giacosa center represents the last frontier of precision nuclear medicine in oncology. The first drug based on radioligands was discovered here (radiopharmaceuticals capable of selectively recognizing tumor cells and eliminating them through the use of radioactive particles, without damaging healthy cells), the result of Made in Italy research carried out here. The site has just expanded with the inauguration of a new factory (October 2023). The company’s strategy is to significantly strengthen the Piedmontese hub, also given the role of primary importance it has assumed on global markets as manufacturing excellence. In fact, this site produces not only the Italian market, but also Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, with business prospects also for South American countries. It is estimated that in 2022 over 75% of production was destined abroad and that the new investment will allow production to be increased by over 20% and therefore the share of turnover generated by exports from 60 to 90%.

Innovation is meaningless if it doesn’t reach the patient, the company emphasizes. This is why Novartis Italia collaborates with national and regional institutions to promote fair, timely and appropriate access for all citizens. Firstly, by ensuring that Italy remains a strategic hub for investments in Research and Development, but also by collaborating on the creation of early access models that allow Italian patients to benefit in good time from the scientific progress that research makes available disposition. Finally, the company is committed to supporting the evolution of the National Health Service through innovation and partnerships. A commitment before and beyond the drug, which takes the form of services capable of improving the patient’s care path from diagnosis to follow-up, the efficiency of the centers as well as the management of the treatment.

Furthermore, Novartis Italia is alongside the Regions to support them in achieving the objectives of Mission 6 of the Pnrr dedicated precisely to the protection of health in our country, with the ambition of establishing significant partnership agreements with all the Italian Regions within 5 years. The company is currently working to develop new ones, after those already signed with Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lazio, to address the health challenges of communities: access and management of oncology and population medicine in the cardiovascular field. Collaboration between all the actors of the country system, including the new generations, is fundamental to reimagining the health of tomorrow: for this reason Novartis Italia collaborates with the National Youth Council, a consultative body of the institutions for youth policies, to jointly identify areas of intervention and possible solutions to streamline and strengthen the Italian healthcare system.

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