Carlos Rus is re-elected by acclamation as president of ASPE for a second term

by time news

2023-11-17 12:43:41

The ASPE General Assembly, meeting yesterday, November 16, has decided, by acclamation, to re-elect Carlos Rus as president of the private healthcare association for four more years. In his speech, Rus has expressed his “deep gratitude” for the renewed support and has received the new mandate with a marked “sense of responsibility” to be found in “a crucial moment in the history of our organization and with a particularly complex political and social context”. Carlos Rus thus renews the trust of the associates, which was granted to him for the first time in November 2019.

Among the priorities of the action plan for the coming years, Carlos Rus wanted to give the patient the central place that they deserve: “They are the center of our reason for being. Therefore, we are going to increase our interaction with patient associations, to listen to their needs and look for synergies to activate our collaboration.” he stated. ASPE also proposes“value what private healthcare brings to patients”, not only in terms of quality of care and access, but also in relation to“our social responsibility”. “Let us not forget that when we ask for solutions to the shortage of doctors and nurses, when we request the interoperability of medical records, when we claim reduced VAT for medical supplies, when we promote public-private collaboration… what we are looking for is a benefit for the patient, our main mission Carlos Rus has pointed out.

Greater dialogue with institutions

In his speech after the re-election, Carlos Rus also wanted to highlight the importance of deepening the dialogue with the institutions. The president of ASPE has highly valued the progress made in this regard by the Organization, which has achieved “be a reference interlocutor” and establish a fluid interaction with “private institutions and public administrations of all kinds, in a permanent demonstration of extended hand and collaboration”.

Carlos Rus has shown his intention to ensure that dialogue with the Ministry of Health is also more frequent and effective, just as it is being done with all the different regional ministries. “We believe without a doubt that our voice must be heard and considered in the making of decisions that affect healthcare in Spain. Our relevance is evident: 3.2% of GDP, 400,000 professionals in the sector, 42% of surgical interventions, or 31% of hospital stays and emergencies that we cover and represent as required.”, has highlighted Rus.

In this sense, the president of ASPE makes a new call to advance public-private collaboration, taking into account that private healthcare is an essential strategic resource in the relationship with healthcare administrations, at a time when the healthcare system health is facing unprecedented challenges.” Without the participation of the private sector, there will not be an effective and sustainable National Health System,” points out.

Standardization of relationships with insurers

Another of the strategic points presented before the General Assembly has been the formal improvement of relations with the insurance sector, pointing out as imperative the deepening of relations “based on trust and transparency“, setting common guidelines, protocolizing medical processes in the nomenclature or establishing contractual relationships in writing, with the final objective of providing a higher quality service, and that collaboration between both parties is absolute, “because we need each other, we coexist and we are interdependent”, he stated.

Carlos Rus concluded his speech by recalling the important achievements achieved by the employers’ association in recent years, such as the elimination of incompatibilities in various Autonomous Communities, the acceleration of the approval process for foreign professionals, the signing of the Traffic agreement by consensus for the first time. , the freezing of VAT on healthcare supplies during the pandemic, or the collaboration for the first time with the Ministry of Health to include the private sector in the analysis of the situation of healthcare professionals in Spain.

The evolution of private healthcare in Spain is a continuous process, and we are determined to continue moving forward. Together, we will continue to forge a future in which private healthcare in Spain is fully recognized and valued for its essential contribution to society.”, Carlos Rus concluded.

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